Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, November 11, 1998
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On this day, we went to Ghiaie di Bonate, because it was a desire of Our Lady that I go there again in this place. I did not expect that so many people would flock to the place, because when we arrived in Bonate, the presence of so many people surprised me, because the news that Our Lady would appear there on this day spread quickly.
I who expected only about five people for the recitation of the rosary, saw that Our Lady did not want it that way, but wants many more people there praying and interceding for the world and for families. She came this day accompanied by Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus, dressed in gold. Blessing all those present at the apparition, Our Lady said:
May they live my messages! May they live all that I have already spoken to them!
Today, I, my Son Jesus and St. Joseph embrace each priest who is present in this place. The three of us want to give the priests our help, strength and blessing.
Our Lady then said:
Now, listen to my Spouse Joseph.
St. Joseph, looking at me said,
Love Jesus more and more. Be his holy dwelling place for him, where he can find himself welcomed and loved. Draw ever closer to Jesus, present in the Most Holy Eucharist, because he is waiting for you to give you all his love and graces.
My Most Chaste Heart is for all of you, my children....
At this moment, many rays of light, began to come out of the Heart of St. Joseph and illuminate the people who were in front of the Chapel. The Child Jesus, at this moment, made the mention with his hands that he was granting us graces. I understood that at that moment when Jesus was granting us his graces, it was the moment when the rays of the Heart of St. Joseph began to come out. The Child Jesus said:
Draw near to the Most Chaste Heart of my Virginal Father Joseph and be a true example of holy living to your brothers, just as he was and continues to be for the Church and the world. Now I say to you, my son: draw near and kiss my feet....
I approached the feet of the Child Jesus and kissed his beautiful, illuminated feet. A great emotion and joy invaded my soul. Then the Child Jesus asked me to kiss the feet of his Mother and those of St. Joseph. I approached the feet of the Blessed Virgin, at Jesus' command, and kissed her feet. At this moment, I asked Our Lady never to let me become puffed up for having received these graces and that she help me to always be humble and simple. When I approached to kiss the feet of St. Joseph, the Child Jesus smiling kindly said to me,
On his feet, there are four kisses!
I understood how much Jesus and Our Lady love St. Joseph, who loved them without measure and gave his whole life to them both. How little we still love St. Joseph and forget him, putting him aside. Jesus wishes to make St. Joseph known and loved by all, as he deserves, with all respect, veneration and recognition. He was and still is very important to Jesus and Our Lady.
This is the time when we must love St. Joseph ever more. It is his time. The time that God has prepared and has come to reveal his glories, his power and his great importance to the Church, families and the world.