Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The time has come for your testimony of faith, my children. The time has come for you to decide and to ask yourselves: which side do I wish to be on? The time has come for your decision and for your response to the messages I have been giving you over the course of all these years.
God is greatly offended by the sins of the world, and My children make no reparation. Unrepaired sins will be the sins that will destroy the world very soon, if humanity does not repent, does not convert, and does not do penance, because they are attracting to the world the punishments revealed in the secrets. My Heart is distressed by the fate and the lives of many of my children, who are blind and without a shepherd to guide them. Many pastors of souls are not faithful to the Lord. Many are corrupting and destroying themselves in sin. Corrupted shepherds are flocks and flocks of destroyed souls, without faith, without hope and without life.
See, my son, the pain of my Mother's Heart and how many thorns pierce it, because of these sins committed and not repaired. Reparation, reparation, reparation! Listen to my call of pain and love... Listen to my maternal voice that calls you to God... Listen to the call of your Heavenly Mother who loves you so much and fights for your salvation more than you do. Receive my maternal words in your hearts. Why harden your hearts and close them to the voice of the one who loves you so much? Don't act like that, but open, open your hearts to me and you will be free children, children of peace, children of good. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!