Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children!
Do you want to be of God? Do you want to be within my Immaculate Heart?...Pray, pray much.
Children, to follow the path of my Son Jesus you must learn to make great renunciations. Many times you will encounter trials and heavy crosses, but do not be discouraged and never lose faith, because I am always at your side. I your Mother love you and I am here to bestow upon you all my motherly love. Intercede for the world. Many have distanced themselves from God and find themselves on the edge of the abyss that leads to hellfire.
My children, great events are coming soon in the world. Be prepared. God is calling you through me. I have already given you great graces, but many do not listen. What are you doing with your lives, my children? Do not let the devil destroy your lives with sin, nor your souls. Free yourselves from sin and all the wrong things.
Love to belong to God. Love to deserve heaven. Love transforms everything and frees you from all evil. Receive the love of my Son Jesus in your hearts, so your lives will be renewed and you will glorify the Name of the Lord for the wonders he is doing in you and in the world.
Jesus is happy with those who welcome my messages and put them into practice, but he is not happy with those who prevent others from following the path indicated by his heavenly Mother.
Repent and do not allow the devil to use you to do evil, but ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to have the grace to always witness with faith and love to the works of heaven.
I welcome your families into my Immaculate Heart and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!