Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today came the Holy Family: the baby Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph. Today is the anniversary of the appearance of the three Holy Hearts united. The Holy Family was all dressed in robes of gold and they were showing their Most Holy Hearts. The Child Jesus was smaller than I see him lately, but he was revealing to us all his majesty and power. Our Lady gave us the message:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
Today I come with my Son Jesus and St. Joseph to bless your families and all humanity.
Open your hearts to my Son Jesus, the King of your hearts and your true peace. Without my Son in your lives you cannot find happiness, nor holiness and love.
Be saints, living every day united to Jesus. He is waiting for you at Holy Mass and wants to be the divine nourishment of your souls.
Be of Jesus, that he may give you his strength and light so that you become witnesses of his teachings and his presence to your brothers and sisters. Be of God and thank him every day for the graces and favors received through my presence in Amazonas.
Great graces God has already granted you and great graces are in store for those who put my calls into practice and who pray my Rosary with love.
Pray, pray, pray very much my children, because those who should be the light for the people of God are losing their shine, their faith and their love, because of the deceptions and seductions of the world. Pray for priests and dedicate yourselves to truly strive for their sanctification.
Those who pray for priests receive a special blessing from God and will always be helped by him in their greatest afflictions.
Take my message into your hearts and bring to your brothers today the most holy love of our united Hearts. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
When I went to Holy Mass, at the moment of Holy Communion, I heard the voice of the Virgin saying to me:
Form prayer and intercession groups for priests. Intercede for the sanctification of priests. Dedicate most of your time to intercede for them and for the Church. Do not neglect your pastors! They are the precious jewels of God and also one of his great mysteries of love for his people, who need pastors to guide and bless them in his Holy Name.