Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber - Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph

Today came the Holy Family: Our Lady with St. Joseph, who had the Child Jesus in their arms. They were showing us their Most Holy Hearts. Our Lady gave us the following message:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from heaven with my Divine Son and St. Joseph to bless your families and the whole world.
Pray as a family. Be my sons and daughters of prayer, those who intercede for the good of humanity and the good of the Church. Be the Lord's, opening your hearts to his divine call.
Difficult and testing times are coming, but God's grace will always be present in the lives of those who are faithful and obedient to him.
The Lord will help his own, those whom my Spouse Joseph and I place within our Most Holy Hearts, so be obedient to my calls my children. Consecrate yourselves to our Most Holy Hearts and place yourselves confidently in the Lord's hands. Do not have your hearts bound to the world, but have them open to the kingdom of heaven. Do not allow sin to come into your lives, because of your disobedience in not listening to God's voice.
Be converted and ask for the Lord's strength to remain on your holy path, in any trial in your life. Do not despair, do not lose confidence in his protection and love.
Bear witness to the truth whatever the cost. The truth sets you free from spiritual blindness and all evil. The truth illuminates your lives and your hearts. The truth is my Son and his words are eternal and powerful and they are life and light for your lives.
Pray that all may welcome the words of life from my Son Jesus. Pray that humanity will stop being deaf and blind and will decide to live the call that God gives them. I love you and bless you with my motherly blessing, united to my Son Jesus and Saint Joseph. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, I saw St. Joseph walking among many white lilies. These lilies represented each person who consecrated himself to his Most Chaste Heart and honored him. St. Joseph, through God, takes care of these lilies, blessing them each day and granting them his love and graces. When St. Joseph passed among these lilies and touched them a light descended upon them and made them light and more beautiful. These lilies St. Joseph wishes to place before the Throne of God. All those who give themselves to his protection will be under his holy mantle and protected against every evil and danger of soul and body.