Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, invite you to love and holiness. Let your conversion be daily and a sincere offering to God.
Do not turn away from my Divine Son by committing terrible sins. Come back, get back on the right path, so that you may merit the graces that my Son wishes to grant you.
Do not be children of hardened hearts, change your lives, so that your lives may be an example to your brothers and sisters who do not wish to love God.
My children, do not allow yourselves to be used or blinded by Satan. He is watching, seeking to lead you away from me and the path of truth. Pray much and fight with prayer and God's grace, renouncing all evil and sin.
Pray for the souls in purgatory, especially the most abandoned ones, because nobody remembers to pray for them.
Offer your prayers for them, so that God, through their prayers, will also answer you in your moments of hard trials and bless you. Who prays for the souls in purgatory makes the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Mother's Heart glad.
Pray also for the infidels and for those who use their tongue to destroy the works of God. Every word, every action, every willful desire against the works of God will be weighed by the Angel of Divine Justice.
The Lord's powerful eye penetrates all things, soul and heart, and nothing will go unpunished. Woe to those who are not converted and who despise the Laws of the Lord. Come back, come back, my children. God is calling you to conversion, because hard times are at hand.
Change your hearts now and be good. Do harm to no one, but bring love and peace, because the mighty arm of God will cleanse every evil and filth from the earth, and those who do not change will lament and weep bitterly for the time lost.
Convert yourselves and pray more and more. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today, during the apparition, I asked for the Blessed Mother's blessing and protection for me and my family. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes, full of love, and told me:
God's Love conquers all evil. I cover them with my Protective Mantle. Your family I have chosen and your family I protect with my love!
Thank you Beloved Mother. I love your Son, the Lady and St. Joseph. Queen of the Rosary and of Peace and Queen of Love, pray for us!