Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

Today, St. Joseph came to deliver his message to all mankind. He was dressed in a beige robe and a green cloak. In his arms was the Child Jesus, wearing a beige robe with little gold stars. The Child Jesus held in his hand a dark wooden cross and with it he blessed us.
Peace my beloved children, the peace of Jesus to you all!
My son, my Divine Son sends me to you to tell the world: God is too offended and wants to carry out his Justice on all humanity that no longer thinks about heaven, but only about worldly things that do not grant it eternal life.
My son, dark days will come to the world if men, women, young people and children do not pray and do penance.
Tell everyone to make reparation for the terrible sins by doing penance, worship, offering everything they do to the Lord, in a spirit of reparation and supplication for the conversion of sinners.
God is indignant with many Christian families who do not live holy and do not set a good example. Pray, pray, pray that they may have the strength to say no to sin and temptations. Don't lose your eternal life for a passing joy of this world. Don't lose your place in heaven. Hell is horrible, painful with endless suffering. Don't want to go to hell. Satan wants to destroy many souls, and is doing his bidding with those who are weak in faith and who listen to him.
I come to give you protection and peace. I come to take you under my holy mantle. My Most Chaste Heart is their safe refuge. Trust in the power of my intercession and I will lead you safely to Jesus. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!