Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart and your family!
My son, I your Mother, am here to give you strength and courage. In my Immaculate Heart you will be able to draw the necessary graces to continue, without ever getting discouraged, your mission to which the Lord has called you and prepared you.
God is in a hurry, many souls are spiritually blind and are heading for the abyss of hell, so God asks of you and of all those who believe in this work, that you carry the cross with love, knowing how to sacrifice and offer yourself for the conversion and salvation of the sinful and ungrateful world.
As long as you and your brothers know how to carry the cross with love and patience many souls will be freed from Satan's clutches and will be healed by the Lord's love.
The sins are so many, but much greater is the love and mercy of God for humanity that still doesn't know how to be grateful to Him.
Pray, pray very much, my son, and make my children pray and together beg for the graces and blessings of heaven for the sinners, that they may repent and be converted.
Many are those who have strayed from the path of the Lord and no longer believe, but do not worry, soon there will come many more who will believe and do what the Lord wishes and you will see the great things that God will continue to accomplish, through my apparitions and messages.
Pray for those who have lost the light and brightness of their souls, because of their sins. I am here to grant them my love and my graces, and this love and these graces are for all my children who wish to do the Lord's will, by living their path of conversion united to the love of my Divine Son.
Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today, the Blessed Mother, made me understand that no suffering no cross should stop us from continuing to struggle and sacrifice for the conversion of souls, which are so precious and valuable to God. The Lord counts on us and often allows us to experience the cross, so that through it, knowing how to bear it with love and patience, there will be hope and light for so many souls blinded by the devil, who will be able to see the danger they are in if they continue to follow the path of darkness and sin, and will be able to repent and return to the holy path of the Lord. Carrying the cross means a commitment of love to Jesus. To carry the cross is to allow Christ to heal and save many souls with his love. To carry the cross is to help many souls rise again from the life of sin to the life of grace.