Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My child, do not be silent. Spread my appeals so that as many of my children as possible become aware of them.
Open your mouth to speak about God's great love, pure and holy love, true love that changes lives, souls and hearts.
Teach my children never to turn away from prayer. Many do not understand its great power before the Throne of God, before the Divine Heart of my Son Jesus. As long as there is a heart open to the love of God that prays, that pleads and intercedes for the good of mankind there is still hope and conversion for many of my children, who may be spiritually healed, converted and sanctified by the love of God.
Look always into my Mother's Heart, Holy and Immaculate, and you will learn to belong to God by doing his Divine Will.
I am always at your side to grant you the graces you need to continue in your mission. Even if everyone has abandoned and rejected you, I, your Mother, will never abandon you and will never reject you.
Continue giving your testimony of faith, being a man of God, taking the light and the love of the Lord to those in need. My Son Jesus is always with you and through you He will act, doing great things when you speak of our messages and love to your brothers and sisters. Courage, my son, receive my love and blessing from a Mother who loves you so much and wants you well. I bless you!