Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 12, 1994
Tenth Message

"My children, today I come to speak to you about the devil. Satan is loose, and is seeking to 'make' the ruin of each of My children.
Dear children, only evil and destruction comes from Satan. You must pray hard to prevent his strength, and that you do not fall into his evil 'claws'.
My children, so many times I have invited you to come back to GOD and to HIM to give yourselves up, but. you have refused! How many times could you have found True LOVE and Peace.
Behold, a great force of intercession, reparation and combat is needed! Pray, children, asking for Mercy and Grace for the world.
Fight Satan! You can fight him, but... you don't! Do not offend GOD anymore! Stop offending Him so cruelly.
Exorcise the enemy! He has set free all the evil angels, who now, coming out of hell, are spreading across the earth to lose their souls. GOD called Me and (Saint) Raphael to fight them! (Saint) Michael is already at the forehead of the Celestial Army. (pause) Help us exorcise him, with prayers!
Fight the darkness with the LIGHT of prayer, sacrifice and penance! I count on your prayers, because we love you!
Use the crucifix, the medals, the holy water, the images at home, the exorcised salt, the candles and holy candles, as 'signs' against Satan, to keep him away from you, from your homes especially. Renounce him personally, saying NO, through a sincere conversion to GOD.
The Angels will enter into persecution against the demons, so pray with Me, that they may be overcome and annihilated by the Lord, GOD of hosts and KING! Pray the Rosary a lot for this intention. With me".