Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, January 17, 1994
Fifteenth Message

"Today I want to talk to you about the number of the beast, the number 666. Dear children, it is written in the Book of Revelation that whoever is marked by the number of the beast will be guilty of eternal death.
My Heart shows you today how much you are in danger! Everyone who wants to eat, who wants to dress well, to have pleasures, will have to let himself be marked by the blasphemous number of the beast, represented directly by the black beast, Masonry, the 'new age'.
The beast is Satan himself. This sign will identify all those who sell themselves to the devil because of pleasures and earthly goods, instead of preferring to suffer, before offending GOD.
My children will be put to the test: - Let yourself be marked, to receive the goods of the earth, or suffer privations for LOVE to GOD. Those who have true Faith will renounce all the proposal of evil. The followers of Satan will think that GOD has abandoned YOUR people, and that OUR children will be starving to death, with nothing, and completely exterminated.
But the Lord will send Me, that I may feed, heal the wounds, and save My beloved children. The Mother of Heaven is preparing great things for you!
The sign of the beast will be recognized by few! Only My dear children, enlightened by the Light of the Holy Spirit, 'whom I will pour out to you,' will recognize this Sign in time. This is why I ask you to pray LOVE, to resist everything I have indicated to you.
But after all that My enemy plans to do, I will save all My children, and finally I will TRIUMPH MY Immaculate Heart!
(Marcos): (Message given at 9:58 pm)