Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 13, 1994
Message of Our Lady

I am the Star of the World. I AM the Star that GOD now places in the Heaven of the world, so that sinners may find the way that leads to HE. the way of conversion! Return to the Lord along the path of sincere conversion!
A Sword of Pain cuts My Soul when I see that My Messages are not believed, and My Signs are denied.
My children, help Me in the hard task of renewing the world! Therefore, I invite everyone to form a powerful 'chain' of Rosaries, so that we can overcome the strength of the enemy!
I need to change your hearts, but I need the "yes" from each of you. Pray! and give me this "yes".
Jesus and I want to lead you to Peace of heart".
(Marcos): (Message given in Louveira - SP)