Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, March 12, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My children, today I come, in this first Message that I will begin to give every Saturday at this same hour, to call you to Faith and Trust.
Many are those who consider Me a severe, rude person, a person very far from you. When you sin, you are afraid to approach Me and return to My Heart.
No, my children! I am not like that! Do not be afraid to come near Me! I am the 'Mother' of each one of you. And I do not rejoice in the condemnation of sinners. I cry when you condemn yourselves, and I rejoice when you return to Me.
GOD sent Me here, not to convey to you the Message of fear, of resentment, but of the infinite and immeasurable LOVE of GOD for you! The Cholera of the Lord is the 'last means' He chooses to correct you.
I AM GOD's Tenderness! Come, My children, let us build the Age of LOVE! Do not separate yourselves from Me! GOD is LOVE without end! Step on the serpent's head so that she will see that you believe in the LOVE of YOUR Heavenly Father! and for HIM you want to live.
My dear children, I LOVE you! I have told you this in all the Messages, but... you still don't believe!
Pray, giving yourselves to Me, that I may protect you! Pray the Rosary with your heart! (pause) I bless you all, with an immense LOVE and CARE".
Second Apparition
"My children, today I wish to encourage you, so that you pray with unusual fervor to GOD!
Dear children, today My Presence wants to make itself strongly felt in each of you.
Dear children, Satan wants to cause 'disorder' in your souls by making you indifferent to prayer. Do not give in to him! Pray! Then you will step on his head.
Dear children, pray the Rosary every day, so that you will always be close to Me!
Children, I will leave here Thirteen SECRETS of which, until now, I have revealed five. My children, convert without delay! They don't know the 'events' that are coming to meet them. So pray! pray! but do not be afraid, because those who are with me have nothing to fear, for I will protect them from all evil.
My dear children, I call you today to an urgent change of life! My children, I have been guiding you for some time.
My children, I can no longer bear to hold the Arm of DIVINE Justice. who wants to unload YOUR Righteous Wrath upon sinful humanity.
My children, I am your last hope! Come, My children, and pray more and more! Pray the Rosary every day!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!