Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 21, 1994
In Monnerat, State of Rio de Janeiro
Message of Our Lady

"My children, come close to my pierced Heart, and feel now all the pain of this Immaculate and Motherly Heart! My son, I transmit to you my Sorrows, my Sadness.
Humanity is moving toward a great abyss of perdition. I am suffering because of souls who condemn themselves without measure.
My children, all of you, seek my Immaculate Heart! To all of you who seek My Holy Oil*, I say a big thank you for your trust in My Heart! You will not be unattended, my dear children! Trust in My Grace!(pause) and in My LOVE.
Look at My Oil Tears, which I shed painfully from My Maternal Eyes! O, how great is My Maternal Pain! How painful is the 'sword' that pierced Me! How great is the 'hardness' of their hearts!
My children, I am already 'exhausted' from asking humanity to convert. Take part in my immense pain, in seeing this humanity perverted and corrupted, about to fall into an endless abyss! Pray a lot, My children. Pray the Rosary every day!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
*Marcos: (In Monnerat-RJ, there is an Image of Our Lady of Sorrows, which miraculously poured Oil for 7 years. Analyses were made and the scientists of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro concluded that it was really a Miracle of first magnitude.
The Oil did not pour from the Image, but it was formed on Its surface, as well as on the surface of the walls of the several places of the Church where the Image was changed. Scientists drilled a hole in the Image and found that it was hollow, made of plaster, and the plaster was dry; the Image inside was dry.
Four television channels tried to publicize and report the fact. The local bishop inexplicably did not allow it. The parish priest kept quiet. and so it was intended to silence once again the Voice of Mercy of GOD and of Our Lady to men.
However, there are innumerable accounts of miraculous cures and conversions of sinners prevented by the use of the Miraculous Oil, the Image of Our Lady of Sorrows of Monnerat.
To remain totally silent was impossible, and so many caravans of pilgrims went to the local Church to venerate the Image touched by the Powerful Hand of GOD and Our Lady. After the phenomenon ceased, the flow of pilgrims diminished, and today the Image is practically abandoned.
DIVINE Justice will know how to impute to each one of those responsible for this very grave sin, the due penalty. Let us pray to console Our Lady, who no longer knows what to do to save us, and who in return is not loved and is only paid with indifference and ingratitude).
Same day, at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal
Rio de Janeiro-RJ
"My children, the more you pray, the more and more Blessings will fall upon you from my Immaculate Heart. My Hands are always willing to grant Graces.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.