Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, June 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

I AM (pause) the True GOD. I AM the Almighty Lord!(pause) I, today, come again to speak to you. for I LOVE you! and I AM your Lord.
I asked you to pray for the liberation of souls. and you achieved their liberation by your prayer! and penance.
O my children, I want to say to all of you!! that I LOVE you. Behold My Sorrowful Heart. Look at My Heart, which 'beats' LOVE for each one of you, My children. I LOVE you, My children, and embrace you. for I AM your Lord, My children, your GOD.
My children, I promised that every time I came, until all My WINNINGs were completed, I would pour out an Ocean of Mercy on you who pray the Rosary of Mercy.
Today, I shower a very Special Grace on you! I mark you all with the 'Sign of the Book of Life'. Raise your foreheads to Heaven and your hands to receive the Sign, the mark of My Grace. My Angels have the task of marking you with the Sign of My Cross.
My Blood is powerful. My Blood has immense Power! My Blood is your LIFE. And now I will mark you with the 'ink' of My Most Precious Blood.
O Angels of the Heights of Heaven, Celestial Spirits created by Me, Warriors of My Heavenly Army, come down. come down! I have printed on the hands and fronts of My children, My Sign!
I, Jesus of Nazareth, your King, am commanding you! Michael! Michael! Michael! Lead My Angels, and mark all My servants! (this Sign of the Cross opposes the blasphemous sign of the beast, 666)
Yes, I love you. At this moment, the Sign stays in you. Your crying (pause) is the pure adoration of My LOVE. All of you, adore Me! adore Me! adore Me!
Michael! cut off the head of the enemy! and mark My servants. for I AM the Lord Almighty, and no one has more 'power' than My Omnipotent Voice.
No one has this POWER! neither in Heaven, nor on Earth, nor under the Earth. because I AM the Lord.
O all of you! prepare! prepare! You are already sealed by My LOVE.
I send you as 'lambs', to go all over the world. Go, children, all over the world to call sinners to My Heart, because soon the 'FIRE' will descend. and it will consume the whole Earth!
Children, soon a Terrible Punishment will descend upon you if you are not converted. My MOTHER and I have invited you to conversion for so long, and you have not yet opened the door of your hearts to Me.
My children! My children. Open the doors of your hearts!
My children, I take you into my sacred place! I hold you dearly to my Heart, so that no Punishment will frighten you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Deeply. I LOVE YOU! No one loves you as I love you.
My children! My children. Come all of you to the feet of my Holy Cross! My Holy Cross is your victory! My Holy Cross is your protection!
Consecrate yourselves every day to My Holy Cross, so that I may guard you in every way. No one reaches Heaven! unless they carry their Cross behind Me.
You have read what was said in My Holy Scripture:
Believe me! My WORDS will never pass! Heaven and earth will pass.
Soon the sun and moon will no longer shine. Nor will the stars appear anymore. Everything will pass, but. My WORDS will not pass, and I still promise the salvation of your families.
Commune! Confess your sins!
Pray! Pray! Worship Me! Pray! My children.
Soon someone will sit on the Pope's throne, but it will not be the Pope...It is the antichrist that is coming.
Pray! Pray! Pray! You will be persecuted, My children, you will be despised and humiliated by everyone. You will be forgotten by all! You will suffer. Many of you will even give your lives, but you should fear nothing.
I AM your GOD! I LOVE you! You are Mine! I bless you! Live with me! and you will win with me.
My Spirit is poured out to you in a tremendous way, 'in these times. Nowhere on earth will I spill so much LOVE.
Fear nothing, my Holy Mother is the safe way to reach ME!
My children, My MOTHER will be with you now. and I bless you, My children, in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit*.(pause) Peace be with you! *(Our Lord, in the Blessing, pronounced the Names of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in Latin)
Message of Our Lady
"My children, My children, I am here now, and I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace.
I came from Heaven, little children, with so much LOVE. to speak to you. Didn't I tell you that Jesus would show you so much Mercy? I promised and fulfilled my WORDS, little children.
I am your Mama, and I come with the Holy Angels to bless you too. As Jesus spoke, My children, I too was kneeling in adoration.
My children, look at My Sorrowful Heart! Look at My Heart full of 'thorns'! There is almost no one to make amends to Me. And I ask you now, all of you, to comfort Me. My Pain is so great, children, for the sins of this perverted humanity. without LOVE.
My children, I am your Mother. I never tire of blessing you, my children.
My Heart 'groans' because I am worried, children, about the future of humanity.
Children, pray a lot! If you don't pray, abortion and homosexual marriage will be legalized everywhere! Look at this immense abomination! and this all over the world. You cannot allow such a thing, My children!
I am becoming more and more 'saddened'. I wish the souls would comfort Me. repair this My Heart! You can take from Me the 'Three Swords' that now pierce Me, with their conversion.
What good are so many Apparitions, so many Messages, fallen and left to oblivion? You didn't believe. after so many Signs, so many trials of LOVE! so many caresses of Mother.
My Seers are considered false and imposters by you, and they close the doors of their hearts to Me. I am your Mother and you LOVE, and that is why I want you to help Me in the conversion of the world. All of you can support and console Me through the prayers, Masses and sacrifices offered. Convert yourselves! This is what I come to ask the most.
Believe Me! Believe Me! These are the last Invitations I make for the conversion of humanity. Listen to Me!
A terrible Revolution is preparing to break out. A Great War can happen if humanity does not convert and return to GOD.
But soon, too, Brazil will receive a Great Grace: - My Presence through the Apparitions, My Messages and Images that manifest themselves, in each of the Brazilian States.
(Note - Marcos): (One must be very careful with this passage, because smart people may use it to create false Apparitions throughout Brazil.
We must observe and study the Messages in depth, in order to make clear, yes or no, their DIVINE origin, and pray very much asking Our Lord for the necessary Light to reflect and see if this or that Message is of DIVINE origin)
From north to south of this My beloved Land of Holy Cross, I will call My children to Jesus. And the salvation of the world, My children, will come out of My dear Brazil!
My children, I love you! When I say, "I love you, I mean from the depths of my heart.
Thank you for your prayers! The Rosaries, the Siege of Jericho, are Blessings for your Land; do it every month, begging for Peace for the world.
Next month, St. Michael will also come, to cut off the head of the serpent, and explain the Message that my Most Chaste Spouse, St. Joseph, revealed here, in October last year, but. that I had not yet consented to be revealed.
Fear not! These Apparitions will be welcomed by the Church, but not now.
I ask you to receive my LOVE! I can no longer keep my LOVE within me. With 'violent force', run to find it. Do not deny receiving My LOVE, children, but. open the doors of your hearts to Me, and open Me through the Rosary!
My children, I started all this 'WORK' in Fatima, and now I am finishing My Plan. On September 7th and November 7th, I will make a Great Sign, that everyone will see. and believe. Rejoice! Rejoice!
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. I come in the Name of the Holy Trinity. Jesus WILL RETURN Gloriously over the clouds of Heaven. and many will see Him! Yes, Jesus WILL COME! and with HIM the 'Heavenly Jerusalem' will come the KINGDOM of Grace, of LOVE, of Concord, and there will be no more pain or tears, because the things of the world will have passed away!
Confess your sins at least once a month. Pray the Rosary every day. You must make more penance and sacrifices! I will give, today, a Special Blessing*.
In Purgatory there are many souls, including priests. Pray to free them!
A 'little spiritual Rosary' descends on each of you, which the Angels are placing. You will feel more and more my LOVE and my Protection.
Soon Our United Hearts will WIN, and TRIUMPH Heaven over hell.
Jesus and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Remain in the Peace of the Lord!". *(Our Lord, in the Blessing, pronounced the Names of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in Latin)