Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

(Marcos): (Our Lady was wearing a pink cloak, white dress, and rose sandals. Rosary in right hand. She was very happy, and smiling began the meeting:)
Message of Our Lady
"- My son, Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos): "- Praise forever!"
"- I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. Today I am happy with your presence here. I bless you!
They were concerned about the Message I communicated days ago regarding evil. (Punishment) My children, I am their Mother, and I will not allow evil to touch them. If I did not, I would not be your Mother, but, My children, I did this so that all of you would understand that the 'times' you are living are the 'last times'.
To all of you who are here today, I impart my Motherly Blessings. ( . ) Punishment will not come now! If the whole world were to convert, it would be annulled once and for all.
The Candles and the Holy Water ( . ) must be kept, because they know neither the time nor the opportune moment when they will use them. I have 'hope' in my Mother Heart that it will not come. because We will not allow it.(silenced.)
My children, today is the day when most of My children have come to My Heart in this place. Once again I confirm, I want to raise a Great Shrine in this My City, on this favorite ground chosen by Me.
My Rose Cloak today, represents the Joy that I feel within Me, for seeing them so numerous, with so much humility, praying. well with Me.
My little children, you have come here to ask Me for many things. Healings, jobs, conversions. I consider everything, if you pray the Rosary every day. The Rosary, My children, is the means by which I take them in My Arms, and I squeeze them in My Colo, in My Heart.
Something very BIG comes into the world, 'in these times'. My plan is already moving forward, leading everything to an end. It is not the 'end of the world', because the day of the end of the world, neither do I know it! Only the Holy Trinity. I pray that my Son may come and bring the Kingdom of Peace to all of you.
Little children. little children! Since Fatima, I have extended this My 'Holy Work' throughout the world. I am your Dear Mother! I am here today, also to bless you. and to say that the Apparitions that I have granted for more than three years in this city, are the continuation and conclusion of Fatima. too.
I feel so happy that you are here! Just like last month, you will all return home with an Angel. Each one will return home with an Angel that I am bringing with me. Why these Angels? Because My DIVINE Son Jesus Christ wants to send His graces to their families today so that they will be saved! I will save the families because I am the Mother of families!
My dear children, I ask of you at this time, much sincerity of heart. You can all feel My Presence here. I am searching what some hearts are thinking right now. (silenced.)
Many are longing to see Me. I cannot yet, children, grant you this grace, not now. You must believe without seeing! This is how I desire My children. Blessed are you! Blessed are you! those who do not see Me, and believe that I am here.
( . ) Little children, I have come to bring you the Joy that the world cannot give you.
My dear children, pray the Rosary! Pray the Rosary every day. Only through the Rosary can I renew the Church even more, renew the whole world, and give them the Peace that the world does not give.
As little children said last month, the 'Dove of Peace' will come out of Brazil to the whole world. Salvation will come out of this My dear Land of the Holy Cross!
Soon Brazil will receive the Great Grace of My Presence, through Messages, Apparitions, and Images manifesting in each Brazilian State, and I tell you more, it will be revealed to each one of you, through prayer, how much GOD LOVED the world.
(Note - Marcos): (One must be very careful with this passage, because smart people may use it to create false Apparitions throughout Brazil. It is necessary to observe and study the Messages in depth in order to be clear, yes or no, about their DIVINE origin and to pray very much asking Our Lord for the necessary Light to reflect and see if this or that Message is of DIVINE origin)
If your mouths shut, the stones will speak! There is an Image of Mine in the world, through which I have sentences. Yes, through the Image, I have made My Voice heard, by all My children.
(Note - Marcos): (This is clearly the Miraculous Image of Our Lady of All Peoples in Akita, Japan, where Our Lady spoke to Sister Agnes Sassagawa through the Image, who shed tears more than a hundred times)
But at the end of the times of 'purification', if your mouths shut. My Images will proclaim the Glory and the LOVE of GOD. and will speak.
My children, I am doing everything for your Salvation, for your conversion, My children. I thank you for your correspondence with My Appeals, and I leave you My Peace as the Mother I am.
I thank all of you who are here, for all the prayers, especially those prayed by My Beloved Ones.
Many are wondering if what happens here is not a 'mistake' or even a lie. No, little children! Ask the Holy Spirit, and He will enlighten you, enlighten your hearts. It is I who speak all this! I am the one who invited you to come here! They did not come because they wanted to, they came because I elected them first of all. You feel My Presence touching you, My children.
I feel very happy, and I want to ask you to form prayer groups where you live or where you can. It is through these prayer groups that I, dear children, will help in the Renewal of My Church. and many sinners will be converted.
My children, you can pray as you like, and invite whoever you like to pray with you. I will always be present. I will always be spreading My Grace in these groups. My children, I thus desire that the Rosary be prayed. I give you My Peace and Blessing.
Jesus, last month, worked a Great Mercy: He let several of you ask Him something. You yourselves, My children, remember so much Mercy that He shed! Today there will be no such questions, because now you must speak to Him only through prayer. But, little children, today I give you the certainty of My Peace and My Blessing.
The two movements of My Church, which in times of great suffering will most sustain the Church, will be the Marian Priestly Movement and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, founded by Me. Therefore, My children, give yourselves to the prayers, because they have POWER!
I now show My son Marcos, how many souls from Purgatory have gone up to Heaven for their prayers today.
(Marcos): (I saw a multitude of souls ascending in singing to Heaven. They were beautiful and shining, with palms in their hands).
My children, these souls, ask Me to thank them. Continue praying for the souls in Purgatory. Continue praying, because Jesus is at the door, and now is the time of Miracles. Whatever you ask of GOD, He will try to grant, if it is of His Holy Will.
Be here making sacrifices for My LOVE! On the day of the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart, after the horrible sufferings that the earth will go through, I will send a rain of Roses (that is, Graces) over the whole earth! My VICTORY DAY will come!
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I am the Immaculate Conception!
There is someone who has doubts if I am 'incarnated' here, in this body, I answer: - I am not*! My Heart transmits the Messages with FORCE, through the lips of this son.
*(Note - Marcos): (Here Our Lady denies that the Apparitions are spiritist, mediumistic incorporations, which, as we know, when true, are demonic possessions)
LOVE them! LOVE them! LOVE them! LOVE them! I wish for Peace!
Pray for the Pope! Pray every Friday the Rosary of Mercy for the intention of the Holy Father, the Pope. for my Dear Son John Paul II.
Stay in Peace!"
Message of St. Michael the Archangel,
Prince of Celestial Armies
"- I am happy too, with the Holy Virgin, children of the Lord. ( . ) He, 'saddened' with his sins, today rejoiced.
Children of the Lord, I am one of the Seven Archangels who are always with the Lord and with His throne.
The 'WORK' of the Virgin Mary is my consecrated one, so that I may protect her.
The Breath of the Holy Spirit, OUR TRUTH GOD, remains in the most intimate of their hearts. I bring the 'Sword' drawn, symbol of the POWER that the Lord gave Me to overcome the enemy.
Pray the Rosary to Me dedicated, at least once a week. Seek to learn this Rosary! There is no evil spirit that is not overcome, or problem that is not solved, with this Rosary. These Rosaries that you have brought here, ( . ) will receive a Special Blessing, from OUR Lord Jesus Christ, (the Angel bends) that HE will grant, children of the Lord.
The Virgin asked me to come and explain the Message that the Most Chaste Spouse St. Joseph communicated to them in October of last year. The Most Chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mary said that:
"...never touched Her, even in Her Marriage, and they both remained pure and intact, the Two! The Virgin conceived in a miraculous way, as it was revealed to them in the Gospel of the Lord".
See men, see brethren in creation, how the Virginity of His Mother, of My Lady, of Our Queen is profaned? How does Satan want to throw 'mud' at the Most Holy Virgin? But he will be stopped, because the Lord Jesus tolerates all the offenses, but He does not tolerate the offenses done to YOUR Mother. That is why Jesus (the Angel bends) wants to 'hasten' the time of purification, so that the enemy will be overcome as soon as possible.
These are the times of the Holy Mother! with Signs, with Tears. It is also the time of the Great Trial! (pause) Sufferings will come, but. the servants of Mary will have 'security' in her Heart.
St. Joseph said that:
"...whatever is rotten will fall, and whatever is fallen will not rise again.
This means that all sin, adultery, whatever is 'secret', the Lord will reveal. Every trap of the enemy will be revealed!
The Lord will send Signs to all humanity! Signs on the sun, moon, and stars will be manifested! Events, 'Warnings', through the Messages of Jesus and Mary.
These are the Last Messages in these years that She is delivering to you. The Time She will remain here is not for you to know, but you must prepare your heart, because Her Hour has already come.
The Message of St. Joseph continues thus:
"...before all this happens, children up to seven years of age will die in the arms of their parents.
Children of the Lord, do not be afraid! Your children will not be exterminated, but look, this prophecy is being fulfilled.
Look how many children die of hunger and pestilence in the arms of their mothers! One very day, last month, the Mother of Heaven came here (June 11, 1994) with her dress stained with blood. She was asked where she came from, and she answered that she was from Yugoslavia, because she had 'rescued' children murdered in that war. That blood, attached to Her dresses, was from the little heart of those dead children.
Look at this Message that is fulfilled, children of the Lord, but if you do not pray and do penance, this will go further ... Look at the countless children who suffer without salvation every day! I ask you to pray a lot, because a lot of prayer is needed.
Children of the Lord, the Most Holy Mother's Most Pure Spouse, he also said:
'"...this Message could not yet be revealed, because many would despair and could not bear to hear it".
Now, don't you cry, because the Holy Spirit puts Peace in your hearts.
Pray. Pray a lot! A Rosary will descend from Heaven. blessing the earth, in one of the Holy Mother's places. and a Sign will be given to the whole world, so that it may be converted.*(Note - Marcos): (The proper comment of this paragraph can only be made later, the time has not come)
GOD is 'happy' with your prayers and blesses you at this time.
I AM THE ARCHANGE OF LOVE! I am not only an Angel of Justice. Angel of Mercy.
The Lord desires that you worship Him. Release your tongues and lips to bless the Lord! I will worship Him too*. (pause) Continue to praise the Lord in your hearts!
* (Note - Marcos): (St. Michael did not stop to Praise GOD during the Message, he took just a short pause, then continued. He meant here that it was for us to Praise GOD at all times and places, on all occasions, without ceasing, that He would always join us in Prayer.
When He said, "I will worship Him too," He meant that He would worship GOD with us too, when we were in GOD's worship)
A Legion of Angels descends upon this city, and covers it in the four corners ( . ), and not only this city, but. all those who spiritually bring here today, receive a special Blessing from the Lord.
The Lord is True and Omnipotent!!! The enemy will be bound, and it will not be with a thick iron chain, but with the 'fragile cord' of the Rosary of the Virgin Mary. This defeat of the enemy will be accomplished very soon! very soon!
The Lord Jesus will pour much Mercy on the earth. In these times, if you open your hearts to Him, He will bless you and give Blessings and Blessings of Grace.
The Lord tells them that everyone who makes nine Fridays of Communion, taking communion and offering it to His Most Sacred Heart, will receive all the Graces that are asked for! Many 'miracles' of soul and body will take place and the Holy Mother will visit the sick with Her Blessing.
All the sick, intentions and objects they bring will be blessed. But many will be healed if they convert, if they change their lives, because the Lord is Infinite LOVE, and this LOVE always pursues the hearts.
The Lord tells me, I, St. Michael the Archangel, Chief of the Celestial Militia, that for almost 180 years the Blessed Mother has been sent to Earth to give the Messages, to call Her children to conversion.
She is not listened to, she is despised, she is seen as ridiculous, as nothing...and Her Voice is always more prevented from touching hearts, because She places the Messages in her hands. Children of the Lord, heed the 'calls' of the Dear Mother! She is coming to save you!
Many will be 'marked'. Last month many were 'marked' by the Lord with the Sign and inscribed with the BLOOD of Christ in the 'Book of Life'.
( . ) Worship Us! Worship Us! The Lord Jesus has come now to mark them. (pause)
They are marked.(pause) All were 'marked' in the 'Book of Life', by the Blessed Mother and the Lord.
Take His graces that HIM come to spread throughout the earth. You must live with this 'Sign of LOVE', which will not be erased or diminished; either by suffering or by the world in which you live.
Now this Sign is invisible, but in the final time of purification, it will become visible, so that they give perfect witness of Christians to their enemies.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM THE TRUE GOD! I AM Jesus Christ! Again today I tell you this:
I have sent My Holy Mother in many places on earth to bring My children back to My Sacred Heart.
Be concerned about My Sacred Preoccupations! I, who created you with so much Wisdom and Grace, say to you again: - It is time to return to ME!
I am sending my MOTHER every day to Earth, in many places, so that humanity may return to my Sacred Heart...Worry about my DIVINE WARNINGS!
My Lips today spiritually send you a 'Kiss' of LOVE. to you today that you are here.
Invisibly I have poured a Drop of My BLOOD into each of your souls, and I have placed in you the Strength of My Spirit, so that you may carry My Mission to the end.
I ask you all, to meditate again on the 'mysteries of your salvation', and work for the salvation of the world.
My Heart Will Come True! My enemy's days are numbered, and that is why he has turned furiously against you. You have nothing to fear, the serpent will attack you, but... My Sacred Heart will be the 'HEARING' that I will give you!
I was at My Matrix today at noon, as I promised I would visit it in a special way every 7th of every month. In that Tabernacle, I poured the FIRE of LOVE of My Spirit, as I spoke in the two previous times. All those who go there to beg for graces will receive them in abundance.
By this I don't mean (pause) that in the other tabernacles I am not present, or that you don't receive Graces, no, no!! I am there with you too.
It is as if I am inside a door, and you are outside. You do not see Me, but you can speak to Me. and I, speak to you! I hear your voice and I answer you. I see you and caress you.
My children, My children. I pour out My Blessing of GOD upon the ground of this city today, because I AM the Lord. On the instrument, the means of communication that Evangelizes in My NAME there, today I leave My Cross, so that the POWER of My Spirit may always be there.
My Holy Spirit, My children, run to find you!!!
Today, My Heart 'slaughters from so much pain' for the sins of the world, but. it also pulses with LOVE for you. I want to give you LOVE because you don't receive True LOVE from the world. because no one loves you as I LOVE you!
My LOVE seeks hearts. I no longer have how to keep My LOVE within MY. With 'violent force' it runs to search for you. Don't deny receiving My LOVE, but. open the doors of your hearts! My children, My children. this night, I bring down copious blessings on you.
The fact that the Scourge that My Mother told you about is for an hour away does not prove that I am not here. On the contrary, praise My Heavenly Father with Me, who gave way before to YOUR LOVE, than to YOUR RIGHT. Thank My Father, who this night has shed so many Blessings.
But. I ask you for much prayer. If two months ago I asked you for the Rosary of Mercy, now I ask you for the Rosary of Mercy every day.
Through this Rosary of Mercy, families will be saved, because the 'smoke' of the enemy spreads in all directions, because he rose from the abyss with great fury, because he knows that he has little time left, to try you and lose you.
To all of you who pray the Rosary of Mercy, from now on, I will give you the Blessings and Graces of my Heart. You will win the trials, you will defeat the apostasies. All the movements that ME is delivered into it, (that is, consecrated) will flourish like the trees in springtime.
See here, My children, the Apparitions of My MOTHER and MY too. In the beginning a small tree, today a leafy tree. I do not want anyone to turn away from Me, but next month you will all come again. I have new Messages and new Blessings to grant you.
I bless your Brazil. In fact, here are Prophets sent by ME, so that 'in these times', I may obtain the TRIUMPH OF MY HEART, and of MOTHER'S HEART.
All your priests, all of them ME are dear, even if they have many faults, for being human. You must pray for all of them, and deliver them to ME. ( . )
Everything is fulfilled. You are living the Apocalypse! You read it, but you do not understand. You look, but do not see. I enlighten you all!
I gave a Prophecy in Fatima, which at the 'end of time' my MOTHER would be sent by Myself, and which through the Apparitions, Tears and Messages, would bring the whole world to ME. She is the Last Anchor of Salvation that I offer you! Now, I myself come.
My Mother's Tears are there, rolling. rolling. and you don't even care about them.
My MOTHER is sending you messages to come closer to ME, but you. you treat My Clairvoyants and the Dear Clairvoyants of My MOTHER for impostors, liars, and deceivers, when your heart should at least open to examine the Prophecies and their fruits.
Of course, caution comes from Me! You must ask the Holy Spirit for discernment, to know whether the work is Mine or the evil, human or DIVINE.
But I am saddened because men say that I do not exist, that you do not want to live with me, and that you do not love me. You say that I AM a 'legend', or something from the past. But!! My WORD will remain.
A Great Cross will be shown: - The Sign of Salvation...Sinners will open the doors of their hearts to Me, but...time', it is enough that only I and My MOTHER know it.
O my children, I leave my flame in you. Weep! Weep! Cry, all of you! Tears are the greatest adoration.
I repeat: - All of you who truly adore Me, are placed and kept in the depths of My Sacred Heart.
My children, I love you! I desire and can heal you! I am the Lord of the Universe and of all diseases! none even reaches My feet. Whatever you ask of Me with LOVE, Faith and Trust, I will give you.(pause) Ask Me for forgiveness of your sins.
My children, prepare yourselves for the BATTLE, because My enemy went out to lose you and try you, and My MOTHER went out with the Angels to save you, at My command. Pray hard! My most precious BLOOD will deliver you from all evil! I LOVE you! I LOVE you!
Have I ever abandoned you, or denied you My Infinite Mercy? Every time you look at the Crucifix, remember what I am telling you now: - It was on the Cross, that My LOVE embraced the whole world.
Look at the humanity that continues to walk on the road of revolt against Me. People no longer want to listen to Me. They continue in their darkness and their mistakes. (pause) I need all of you to pray for the liberation of these children.
All of you who are here will free a soul from Purgatory if you return home and pray three Hail Marys for them.
You can tuck yourself in to My Heart. My Colo is always offered to you. Communion is the moment when the soul and I become 'ONE', just as I and the Father 'ARE ONE'. My Sacred Heart (pause) unites with yours, and LOVE IS ONE, just like the Father and I ARE ONE ESSENCE of LOVE.
I bless you, I leave you My Peace, I give you My Peace. I bless the sick! Your tears of pain, affection and tenderness are for me welcomed, heard and blessed. All of you, who have come, take My blessings!
Next month, My MOTHER comes WITH ME. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment, and you will be filled with Peace. I wish that all of you will come to be with me in heaven! Here, by my throne, all hearts will find rest.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Stay in the Peace of my FATHER, the Lord.
Watch and Pray".