Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, August 10, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My children, today I come as the Mother of the Lord, to invite you to Peace. I come as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to tell you: - Peace is an urgency!
My children, today I want to invite you once again to abandon yourself in the Hands of GOD!
My children, I come in the Name of Jesus to take you and place you in the 'Burning Furnace' of the Heart of Jesus. The Heart of Jesus is your security and your Peace!
The Heart of Jesus is the 'refuge', 'sure sign of salvation' for all of you.
Oh, how happy are the pure in heart who love the Lord! They are those who perpetuate the WORK of my DIVINE Son!
My dear children, may your heart be open to the LOVE of GOD at all times.
I want to openly reveal today: - I want to form here in the city of (S. B.), the cenacles of the young girls, so that I can place My Grace in the hearts of My dear young people. They are My great Hope!
Form the cenacles as well, taking My Messages to every home, to every heart, to every place!
My children, I rejoice in your presence and in your availability to My desires. Do not worry about anything. I am very happy with you!
Pray, My children! It is My Call: - Pray the Rosary without ceasing!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".