Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 12, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My son, what thoughts are these in your heart? Why are you thinking this way about me? Why do you fear that I am an illusion?
Marcos, I took you from the midst of the people, to be My Messenger, precisely for this reason, to prove that I never choose the best, and you are no better than anyone.
I never choose the best...That's why I am always on the side of the weakest, the most defenseless, the smallest. Where there is poverty, smallness, there I am with my children!
My dear one, abandon yourself to Me.(pause) Answer Me: - Have I ever left you abandoned?".
(Marcos): "- No, dear Mother, never!"
"- My dear son, have I ever left you without the grace of GOD?"
(Marcos): "- No, you never left me".
"- Then give yourself to Me!"
(Marcos): (Then proceeded with the Message for all)
"- Dear children, praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos and those present) "- Forever be praised!"
"- I rejoice today to be with you all once again.
Dear children, I desire once again to give you My Blessing of Peace. It is Peace, it is Peace that I want to give you!
My dear children, your life must be lived in simplicity. I come today to give you a word about simplicity. You must be simple, you must, dear children, be humble in the Eyes of GOD, only then will you be great in the Heart of the Lord.
And do not see your work as a 'yoke', as a cross to be carried, but see your work as a means of purifying your souls, and also, dear children, as a way of purifying them from their sins and achieving Peace. Even in your school, be obedient to your teachers and superiors.
Talk, dear children, with the youth, with your brothers, about the LOVE of Jesus, because many are the youth who are far from the LOVE of GOD.
Pray for your teachers who do not believe! Pray for young people. Young people walk into an abyss of perdition in drugs, in prostitution. I wish, My children, to take them away from drugs and prostitution, but I need your hand. Give me your help, and the rest I will do.
My little children, tell them about the LOVE of Jesus and My LOVE that I am always transmitting in My Messages!
The youth are My great Hope, and today this My Message and Blessing is Special to all of them.
Dear children, may your heart be in My Hands. I bless you with the Peace of the Lord, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".