Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, September 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparition
Message of Our Lady

"- My children, praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised!"
"- At this moment I ask for your silence, to listen to My Motherly Message.
Dear children, through this Message, I come to help you. They have seen the Sign of the Sun, the Sun turning and changing to all colors, as in Fatima. I promised them in June that I would give them these Signs today. I thank my whole Heart, because they answered my call and prayed.
I love you, my children! I love you, My children! I love you very much, and I desire to give each one of you, once again, my LOVE, which is the LOVE of Jesus!
Dear children, today is not a waning moon day, but a new one! I put the moon of the Immaculate Conception in the sky (in a different phase) so that you, children, can know how much I LOVED you and how much I did for you during all this time. I will continue with you. ( . )
My children, I LOVE you very much and you can't even imagine how much LOVE I have for each one! If you discovered My LOVE, you would cry with joy.
I have come, sent by the Lord, to give each one the True Peace that only GOD grants!
I have presented myself here, as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to remind you, My children, that without Peace the world cannot save itself. Without Peace, the world can never meet GOD again!
My children, I am your Mother, and I bless you from all my Immaculate Heart!
I love you! I LOVE Them! I love them! I want you, My children, always close to Me, so that I can always be with you, guiding you on the path of LOVE.
Pray the Rosary! The Rosary, My children, is the 'weapon' I gave you, so that you can find Me, and find the LOVE of GOD.
Participate in Holy Mass! Holy Mass, dear children, is the moment when GOD comes down to the Churches, which are YOUR Palaces, to look at YOUR children!
Oh, my children, how much the FATHER has 'cried' lately, to see that YOUR Houses, the Churches, are empty! or abandoned.
Pastors of the Church of GOD! Listen to what I tell you in the Name of Jesus! Pray!! and lead the people to pray too. My favorite children, you are the first of my Heart. You, who are the closest to Me, My children, be the example of the LOVE of GOD for all believers!
My children, gather in the Church to pray! Make hours of Eucharistic adoration! In the moments of Eucharistic adoration, I will be present so you can adore Jesus with all your heart.
My children, I love you! I love you very much, with all my heart, and I give you my Blessing! I LOVE them! I LOVE them very much!
All those who come here on the 7th of every month in this chosen and elected city will receive Great Graces and will be loved by my Heart as 'flowers' placed to adorn my Throne in Heaven.
My children, to everyone who prays the Rosary, I promise salvation. I promise, My children, to take them to Heaven so that there they will be happy forever.
To My Two Priests who are here, in the midst of My people, I give My Blessing. (She spoke to the two Priests)
My dear children, I have many things to tell you. Not only of bread lives man, but of all the WORD that comes out of GOD's Mouth!' You, My children, live of the LOVE of GOD, live of the WORD of GOD, and be the Messengers of the WORD of GOD.
I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I give you these Messages because you do not read the Gospel! If you read the Gospel, neither I nor Jesus would have to come and give you Messages.
For this, my dear children, I thank you from every Heart, and today I give you my Peace, my Blessing for your prayers!
I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM THE TRUE GOD!(pause) I AM Jesus Christ!(pause) I AM the Lamb of GOD who speaks to you!
May the Peace of my Sacred Heart be in your midst.
My Children, today My MOTHER and I work the Mercy of OUR Sacred Hearts in each one of you. We pour out OUR Blessing, OUR LOVE and POWER, abundantly here.
I prophesied, from the first time here in this city, that many healings would take place, many conversions, there would be much opening of hearts again to My MOTHER and to ME.
O my children, my heart is happy to see you here tonight with me and with my Holy Mother.
Worship Me! Worship Me! Worship Me! Worship Me, for I AM YOUR GOD! There is no other GOD but ME! Heaven and earth will soon pass, but. My WORDS will not pass.
Raise your heads! Open your eyes, I am already at the door! I am knocking at your heart, but... you do not open the doors of your houses to Me, nor of your souls.
My dear children, I give you Peace, not as the world gives it, because the world does not have it. True Peace is in Me, Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. And I prophesy to you a time of Grace, and a time of suffering. Fear not, for times of suffering will come to you, that the earth may be 'cleansed' of sins.
My MOTHER comes WITH ME now to speak to you, that all mankind may find My LOVE and the LOVE of My MOTHER. I ask you, My children, to love each other as I sincerely SEE you.
It was at the top of the Cross that My LOVE elevated Yourself, so that all would be attracted to ME. I AM the Lamb raised on the Cross, for the salvation of the world.
My Children! My Children! Worship My BLOOD! The BLOOD I shed on the Cross was also the BLOOD of my MOTHER, because I received it from her in the Incarnation and during her entire Miraculous Gestation.
My Children, it is this BLOOD that I pour into your cups! at each Mass. You do not see this Mystery of transubstantiation. I am at every Mass, with every priest, transforming wine and bread, into My Body and BLOOD, to quench the hunger and thirst of souls.
My children, with my Holy Mother adore me! Adore Me! Worship Me!
Do the Way of the Cross every Wednesday and Friday. it is my desire! Honor My Passion! To everyone who sheds tears of repentance before Me, before My Cross, will receive the Graces that are asked for in the NAME of My MOTHER, the MOTHER of Pity".
Our Lady
"- My children, I am the one who comes from heaven, I am at your side! My children, listen to what Jesus is saying. Open your hearts! I have spoken again because there are hard hearts here!
Do not let the enemy seduce you, My children, but let Jesus open your hearts. Listen to what HE says".
Our Lord Jesus
"- My Children, My MOTHER is the Source of your security. I gave you My MOTHER, as an Anchor of Salvation, that you might know the road you must follow.
I and SHE have now come down from Heaven, in these 'last times', in many places, in order to call sinful humanity back to LOVE.
O my children, how hard your heart is. How your heart, My children, is full of hatred and resentment! You only know how to think of yourself, and nobody else! Open yourselves, My children, to gestures of LOVE, of Tenderness. There is no greater LOVE than that which gives its life for its friends.
My children, I who have loved you so much, I who have suffered so much, I accepted to die for your LOVE. My dear children, learn from ME the True LOVE towards your brothers and sisters! I LOVE you, my children. I LOVE you very much!
I am not here as a Judge to condemn you, but as a Merciful Savior to save you. Soon I will come as Judge, and then, no one will be able to escape from My Justice, but now, My children, it is the time of Mercy, it is the time of forgiveness, and of returning to Me.
My dear children, love! love my Sacred Heart!"
Our Lady
"My children, I am the Virgin who comes down from Heaven, sent by Jesus, to give them also the LOVE of the Heavenly Father.
Today, Jesus and I, united in one LOVE, in one Heart, bring you every Blessing and every Grace that you need for your lives.
Many have come to ask me for cures, jobs and everything else. Some sick I heal, others not. They need to convert, pray more, change their lives!! and live in the LOVE of GOD. Many still 'need to suffer' a bit more so that their soul is 'purified' of (certain) sins.
My dear children, I LOVE you! I give you my Immaculate Heart as your home.
I will not speak again today. (pause) I bless you with Jesus, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".
Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- This Sign is not visible to your carnal eyes now, but. in times of suffering and 'hard trial' it will become visible, so that you will remember the alliance you have with Me and with My Holy Mother, and also as a testimony of the LOVE I gave you, of the Mercy I left you.
My dear children, live in My Grace! Breathe of my LOVE and abandon yourself to my Holy Spirit (He spoke to the two Priests).
To you, O my two Dear and Beloved Priests who are here, I say: carry this Message of my Sacred Heart to the Church!
O My Church, created and 'washed' at the opening of My Dying Side! I ask You: - Refine in your prayer and in your charity! Fill yourself with the LOVE of My Heart! My Eternal FATHER has given You the task of the Salvation of humanity.
My Church, My LOVING Wife! Come and drink from the 'Water' of My Heart, so that you may reforest in The Way, in Truth, and in Life.
To all of you, my beloved children, I, Jesus Christ, who sent you a WORD of LOVE, I want to say to you today: - Kerygma! Kerygma! Kerygma! I love you without measure! I love you without measure! I love you without measure!
This is the Message of My Sacred Heart.
Next month, My children, I and My MOTHER will return at this same hour here, and I wish you, My children, all of you again in My Sacred Heart.
Stay in Peace! (pause) I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.