Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

All of you, put yourselves in My PRESENCE! Put Yourself on My Feet! Worship Me! Worship Me! Worship Me with all your heart! Yes, in Truth, children, I AM THE ONE who on the Cross shed all YOUR BLOOD because of you.
I AM THAT, children, who had My 'Crowned Head of Thorns'. All, My children, pierced with thorns, of so much suffering that ME was inflicted on My Crown.
Yes, on that day of my Passion, I was abandoned! There was no one near Me! There was no one, My children, to help Me, to save Me, to console Me! Everyone had come only to condemn me. Yes, children, I presented the Back, to be plowed by the lashings, for LOVE to you!!! Yes, children, the LOVE of My Heart, this LOVE, children, which has no measure, and which has no end, for you.
In the Church, My children, I am LIVING and present in the Tabernacle, looking at you, listening to you, helping you! and blessing you. And you, my children, what are you doing? You leave Me forgotten (pause) and abandoned in the Tabernacle.
The enemy is loose in the world, my children, wanting to seduce you, to take you away from me, my children, and plunge you into the abyss of hell; and you, my children, what do you do? Instead of renouncing the devil, renouncing sin, My children, you make a covenant and alliance with him through your sins.
Generation, hear My Voice! Generation, there were the 'moans' that I cast into this desert of hatred, of rancor!! which is your land, your land that no longer has LOVE, generation!
Every day, Tears of BLOOD destroy My Eyes, and the Eyes of My MOTHER. We cry BOTH as we contemplate the whole world immersed in hatred and sin.
Generation, unbelieving land! To you, children, who are so far from Me, I wish to say: - O poor sinners, O 'black' souls from the smoke of Satan! Come out of the tomb! Come out, children, out of the grave, out of the darkness, and come to my Sacred Heart!
Just as I, My children, raised Lazarus, I raised up the daughter of Jairus who was, children, in the darkness of death; so also, whoever cries out for Me, even though he is as dead in sin, will live, because I AM the Lord Almighty, and I do not yet come, My children, My generation, to condemn you, but to save you and give you peace!
Generation, pray for My Peter! My Peter, JOHN PAUL II, who is the Stone of the Church, needs many of your prayers, My children. for, children, He is placed in the world as a sign of contradiction! His life will be offered to ME, as a 'gentle lamb' taken to the slaughterhouse. Yes, My children, He is the 'living copy' of My Passion! He is the Chosen LOVE of My Mother, the Queen of Peace and Lady of Sorrows!
I tell you, children, that this Holy Church, AMADA and Dear of My Heart, founded on the BLOOD that gushed out of My Heart on the Cross, 'washed and sanctified' in the WATER that emanated from My Side, and purified by the FIRE of the Holy Spirit, this Church, My children, is the Way of Salvation.
Those who are outside the CHURCH are in error! They walk in darkness, My children! They walk in sin, My children! And I desire, My children, that you return to My Sacred Heart.
I who am your GOD, who created you with my FATHER, in a wonderful and beautiful way, my children, with so many gifts, with so much life, my children, with so much grace!! I feel abandoned by those I created.
My LOVED and dear children, I give you, children, my LOVE, to LOVE, children, with HIM your enemies. I AM JESUS CHRIST, Eternal Word of the Father, and I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit*.
My MOTHER speaks to you". *(Our Lord, in the Blessing, pronounced the Names of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in Latin)
Message of Our Lady
"- Little children, at this moment I come, children, to give My Message today. Dear children, in Truth, little children, Jesus, who spoke to you today, is the same Jesus of the Gospel, two thousand years ago, My children. and I am the same MOTHER, Full of Grace, Full of LOVE and Full of Mercy, who came here, My children, to speak to you.
I tell you that the Signs will continue to multiply, My children, here at the Place of the Apparitions. I tell you that at the end of the Apparitions, the Cross up there on the Mount of Apparitions will turn, and in its place, My children, you will see something very beautiful, beautiful!
Yes, My children, in Truth I am your Mother, and I, My children, want to leave you today, a 'kiss' on your faces. I send you now, a 'kiss' with My Hand.
(Marcos): (She began to send the Kisses.)
(Yes, My LOVES, I kiss you all on the cheek. I imprint this 'kiss' on your hearts, My children, to tell you that I am truly the Mother of Grace and Mercy.
To all those who keep coming here, My children, every seventh day of every month, I promise Great Graces! These souls will be loved by GOD as 'flowers' placed to adorn His Throne in Heaven! Yes, My LOVED children, keep coming to this place!!! It is My desire to find you all at My Feet.
Everyone who also comes next month, on December 8th, on the Feast of my Immaculate Conception to my Mother, here in Jacareí, during the afternoon procession at 4:00 p.m., will receive many Graces.
I promise you, children, nothing more than this in the procession and at Holy Mass: - My Grace and My Mercy, because I love you, children, and once again I tell you: - I want to take them to Heaven, and I tell them, My children, that I am at the gates with Jesus, that I am coming, I am coming quickly to save My children, and to give them all My Mercy and My Goodness.
Yes, My children, I love you. I LOVE THEM. I LOVE them very much! And I tell you that Salvation will come out of Brazil to the whole world! It is from My Dear Land of the Holy Cross that Salvation will come out to all peoples, My children.
And I tell them: - Brazil will know many places of my apparitions. I will multiply My apparitions, My seers, My images crying everywhere, so that My children may believe that the time has come and return to the Lord.
Yes, children, this is My 'message' and My Message to all of you. Jesus and I were present, suspended on the moon, looking at each of you all the time, My children, who prayed here.
I thank you for your beautiful songs and I would like to ask now that one of these My children sing to Me and at the same time touch Me the Hail Mary. Feel, children, My sweetness in your heart. I place, My children, My 'kiss' and My Finger in the heart of each of you at this moment. (We sing to her.)
Thank you, My children, for this wonderful song you have sung to Me, I shudder with joy! I exulted, My children, in the Spirit of GOD, for their voices that showed deep LOVE and Affection for Me. Children, I leave you here My farewell, and I bless you, My children, today and forever, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Until next month, children, I await you all here at my side. Stay in the Peace of the Lord. Farewell".