Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 31, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, on this last night of the year, I want to speak to you with my Infinite LOVE, and give you my Peace, so that you may walk more and more in the Grace of GOD.
This year I have accompanied you with My Grace, I have illuminated your paths, I have poured My Graces 'in rain' upon you. My Immaculate Heart has opened as 'floodgates' upon you.
Do not spend the last hours of this year in dissipation and sin, in spree and madness, but. spend them in prayer, in constant vigil throughout the world, because there will be no point in making a fuss, because next year will already be decisive for the fulfillment of My Plans. In it will be completed the group of twelve young people (seers), the Stars that would shine in Brazil, around My Head.
Pray, pray a lot! Abandon your sins, and walk on the road of True LOVE to GOD!
Pray the Holy Rosary every day, dear children, because it is with Him that you will achieve victory. My children, pray! pray! pray!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".