Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, May 3, 1995
(The Plans, from la Salette...)

Dear children, today, renewed, I desire to fill you with My Infinite LOVE, and give you My Peace.
Pray, dear children, because I still need you for My Plans to come true!
In these times in which you live, I desire to give you the Holy Spirit, so that you may walk in prayer, in LOVE, in the Grace of GOD, and so that you may follow the path of LOVE and Peace!
Satan is still loose, and continues working so that every heart turns away from GOD, and despises the LOVE of GOD. He is strong, and desires to separate them from Me through sin.
In these times, all the SECRETS and Plans that I have revealed to you since La Salette will be fulfilled! The Plans will converge to their conclusion, and that is why I continue to ask for the urgent and sincere conversion of all to GOD through Me!
I wish them to shine like stars in the firmament of the world, so that they may give the world a faithful witness of the LOVE of GOD!
If there are misfortunes in families it is because, children, they do not pray as I ask. When you pray as a family, it is not only you who are flooded by GOD's Graces, and not only your families, but. all men receive the LOVE and the Grace of GOD!
That's why, dear children, so that the Glorious DAY of the TRIUMPHER of my Immaculate Heart may be rushed, continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, with LOVE and Perseverance, so that the world may be converted and have Peace!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".