Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, May 29, 1995
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition of this Day
"- Dear children, today ( . ) I want to tell you that I am still afflicted by your sins!
Understand, my dear children, that every mother who AMA suffers for her children. I am the Mother of each one of you, and that is why I suffer for your salvation!
How often do I look for a drop of repentance in my heart, and without finding it, I have to shed a copious, bitter tear. (here she interrupts and cries)
Repent, dear children! Repent for all the evil you do! I wish that your hearts be full of LOVE, full of Grace, full of the Holy Spirit! Therefore, dear children, I wish that your hearts be opened to LOVE and prayer".
Second Apparition
"- Dear children, who today have come once again to meet my Immaculate Heart! I love you! I love you! I love them!
May the Peace of Jesus be in your hearts! May the LOVE of the FATHER in Heaven dwell in your souls! May the Holy Spirit of LOVE lead them on the path of holiness!
Dear children, today I want to tell you about Holy Mass.
I have given you many, many Messages about the Holy Mass. I have already told you what it is and what it means. I say now, that the Holy Mass is left aside. No one else goes to Mass with their heart.
Men behave in Mass as if Jesus were not present. You should never go to Mass and stand there just looking, as if Jesus were not there! I ask you to truly participate in Holy Mass with your heart! participate in Holy Mass as if you had gone to a Great Feast, to meet your AMADO!
Remember what the Priest tells you: Happy are the guests for the Lord's Supper!
Pray the Rosary every day, asking the Lord for this Grace for my Hands: - The Grace of having pure eyes, to see how precious the Mass is; how powerful the Holy Mass is and how much the Mass is GOD's Greatest Gift for you!
Dear children, while Jesus is in Heaven, the Angels and Archangels worship Him face to face. But when the priest says, "Take and eat, that is my body; take and drink, that is my BLOOD, Jesus descends from the heights of heaven and comes to rest on the Table of the Altar, hidden under the appearances of bread and wine. You do not see Jesus, but you do. He is there, LIVE, as real as I had Him in My Mother Arms!
The Angels also descend around the Priest and the Eucharistic Table, continuing in adoration. Then, when the Priest brings you Communion and receives it, the Angels also kneel beside you to adore Jesus, who is inside your hearts! They put My Son on guard until the meeting of GOD with the soul is fulfilled.
In the Eucharist, it is Jesus who takes them, transforms them, who receives them and transforms them in Him, so that the WORD may be fulfilled that HE said: May they be one, O FATHER, as YOU and I are ONE.
O children! The Souls of Purgatory. How much they suffer! Many of them are immersed in that blazing fire, the fire that burns them, that devours them all the time without rest!
There is no greater treasure, no greater relief they can offer the Souls of Purgatory than the Holy Mass!
If you saw your relatives all inside a fire, wouldn't you make an effort to save them? Wouldn't you?
So if you want to help your relatives already deceased and the Holy Souls of Purgatory, offer many Masses, but. participate also in these Masses offered, with LOVE, with Affection and with Faith!
This is the POWER of the Holy Mass: - An earthquake can be prevented by the Holy Mass! A war can be stopped by Mass, because in her is Jesus! Jesus comes down to make Himself True Food of you!
Give yourselves up! Consecrate yourselves in My Hands!
I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Go to Holy Mass! There will be your salvation".