Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, August 29, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Today I want to pray beside you.
(Marcos): (Our Lady invited me to pray an Our Father, and she continued with the Message)
"- Dear children, thank you for having responded with LOVE to my call as Mother, for having come this day to meet me.
I am happy to be here today, in this family, to bless you, and in the midst of this community, to fill you with the Grace of GOD.
Children, many here love Me with all their heart, but many pass over Me with their sins. Change your lives, my children! Let go of the life of sin! Go back to GOD! GOD never tires of waiting for you, my dear children, and inviting you every day, through Me, and the events that take place day after day, to a total and sincere conversion to HIM.
Until, My children, there is the conversion of the heart, (Note - Marcos: from the most intimate of us) until there is adherence to GOD, and until you say YES to My Immaculate Heart, in no way will I be able to save you. nor purify you from the stains of your sins.
If you do not pray, My children, you will not be able to say that you are Mine! Whoever does not let go of his vices and his sins, whoever does not let go of the things of the world, whoever does not let go of the nights and the drunkenness, whoever does not let go of the places of sin and seduction, whoever does not let go of his vices of drinking and smoking, whoever does not let go, dear children, the bad examples set by television, whoever does not let go, dear children, his hatred, the vengeance of his heart, cannot say that he is Mine.
That's why, little children, this night my Immaculate Heart is inflamed with Charity, with LOVE towards you. I see your numerous tribulations! I know the difficulties each one feels; that's why I came down to tell you, this night, that I LOVE you!
I LOVE you with my Immaculate Heart full of LOVE! I LOVE you with my Heart full of Mercy to pour over all of you! I LOVE you with the TERNITY of GOD Himself, and I am ready to give my Immaculate Heart to anyone who wants to convert and return to Me.
I LOVE you, My children, with all the Mercy of GOD!!! I LOVE you, dear children, with LOVE greater than the Sun and the Moon, the LOVE that GOD Himself commanded me to bring to earth, and that HE gave and purified me in the Holy Spirit!
I LOVE you, dear children, with the LOVE of the Holy Spirit, in my anxiety to sanctify you all. I LOVE you, children, with My Tears of Pain and Anguish; Tremendous affliction, which I show for conversion, but. most remain in sin, remain in bed. without giving Me their hearts.
I love you, my children, with the Heart of a Mother worried and afflicted, because I see that time is running out, and that you are doing nothing for conversion!
I love you, my children, groaning and sobbing, begging my Son Jesus not to punish the world, but to wait still, and to have mercy on you.
My children, be converted, be converted! Return to GOD, to my call as Mother! If all those who are here today go out and form prayer groups everywhere, soon this My community will be saved, soon many families here will be saved! Otherwise, if you do not help Me, My children, GOD cannot win in your hearts.
So pray, pray, pray, and pray the Holy Rosary every day!!! The Rosary, My children, is the salvation of today's world.
Confess yourselves every month, ask forgiveness of my Jesus who is already so offended by your crimes.
Commune, purify your heart! Do not commune in mortal sin! Prepare for Communion! Before going to Church, pray, ask the Holy Spirit to transform Mass into Heaven on earth. I am always present when My children go to Mass.
During Mass, as at no other time, do the Heavenly Graces of GOD come upon you! So, little children, I lead you to Holy Mass. to GOD!!!
I ask that you all consecrate yourselves to Me, to My Heart, so that all may belong to GOD!
By my Hands. and with these Hands, I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".