Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 19, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Today, what I want to say to each one of you is to be pure, My dear children, pray with the purity that comes from GOD, purity, My children, of soul, of body, of heart, so that in this way, My children, you may truly Honor this wonderful Grace that GOD has given you: - The Grace of being Living Temples and Tabernacles of the Holy Spirit!
In this way, My children, you will be able to feel everything I tell you with LOVE, and you will understand, My children, what is the Way of Holiness that I want to lead and take you to: - the Way, My dear children, of purity, is the Way of Holiness!
May your mind refuse, every day more, My dear children, all the malice, all the cunning of the enemy, and may it be open to all the inspirations that the Holy Spirit wants to place in you.
Pure of heart, My children, is that your heart never experiences the stain of hatred, the stain of rancor, the stain, My children, of incredulity, of the disease of lack of faith. May your heart be full of life, full of joy, full of LOVE, burned with Charity, consumed with Passion! (LOVE FOR GOD)
Pure of body! I ask all of you to be pure, because today most of the sins of the world are sins of sensuality, sins of impurity. Today, each one displays and exalts his or her body as if it were a god, thus becoming traps of sin for others. Be pure, My children!
I ask of the young people a great purity of body, especially of them who are so tempted by the devil.
I ask the bride and groom to abstain from all relationships before marriage, and that the young people consecrate themselves more to Jesus, because the young people who follow Jesus are very few. So my children, if you are pure in body, soul and mind, you can feel all the LOVE of the Holy Spirit in your heart. And then, dwelling in you, He can take care of your whole family, all your life, all your work and all your life.
Pray, My children! Pray more! Pray a lot so that My TRIUMPHER happens as soon as possible!
I count on your prayer, in these days in a very special way, for my dear son John Paul II, the Holy Father the Pope. Pray for Him! This is what my Immaculate Heart desires!
Thank you for your LOVE for Me! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".