Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 13, 1998
(Mountain - 6:30pm)
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, thank you for being here today! You have heard my call, that is why you are here.
I ask you, children, before praying any rosary that I have taught you, to first ask for the Holy Spirit. Pray to the Holy Spirit, so that the Mercy of GOD may be poured out on you, only this way will you open your hearts, and your prayers will be more accepted, children, because praying with the heart, you will pray with love, and this way you will please GOD the Almighty FATHER.
Do not be afraid of anything, little children! You are here today because I called you. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and continue praying.
Thank you for the love you have for me! Thank you, little children, for the trust with which you pray in your hearts. If you pray with confidence, I grant all the necessary graces to you and your families.
But I ask you not only to pray for your families, but for families throughout the world, for the conversion of souls, for the salvation of all poor sinners, children, and also for your own salvation.
Pray, pray incessantly, and do not be afraid of anything. Glory be to GOD every minute of your lives, children, glorify the Lord as I glorify Him!
I will be with you. The Holy Spirit will be poured into your hearts, trust the LIVING GOD, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
Be blessed now and always, children, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.