Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 2, 1998
Rosario Luminoso, at 10:30pm
Message of Our Lady

Mount of Apparitions
"- Little beloved children, this is an eapelof!(pause) I ask you, children, to give Me your hearts every day, because I, children, give you my Heart, my Heart full of LOVE, inflamed by the elabaredasf of the Holy Spirit, I give it to you, but. many do not want it. many do not accept it, because they do not have Me as their Ternal Mother, as the Mother of LOVE.
I am not the Mother of many hearts because they do not accept Me. This is an eapelof, children, because LOVE, the Grace of the Holy Spirit, is poured out, but if you do not give your hearts to Me and to My Son Jesus, we can do nothing.
It is necessary, children, that you have humility, discernment, because the enemy wants to tempt you at all times, 24 hours a day!
The danger, children, is in the smallest things of daily life, and you do not perceive it, because you let yourself be deceived by the enemy at every moment, you do not trust my Immaculate Heart, you do not pray.(pause)
I ask you, children, to call your brothers and sisters who are far away, because they are in the darknessf, and they are not seeing! But you who hear My echamadof, who hear My eclamorf with My Son, pray for them also, children! Ask the Holy Spirit for them too. Warn them of eperigof that they run to aggravate My Heart, which is given to them, but. that they do not accept.
Give Me, children, your hearts, in the intention that GOD may purify them, sanctify them and burn them in LOVE, that it consumes their whole being, as well as Me econsumiuf, children!
Trust in this LOVE!
LOVE is no longer felt. LOVE is no longer lived. but, I AM the Mother of LOVE.(pause) This is an eapelof, children!
This is a Mother with the Edolive Heart, with Tears of Blood, shed from My Eyes.(pause) This is a paper, children!
Ask for your brothers, for all those who have stopped coming here.
Behold I speak, children, receive My LOVE. I love you every day, I care for you every day, I protect you every day! You should fear nothing.
The enemy is esujof, he is esafadof, but GOD is MORE, but MY LOVE is MORE for you!
Behold My Heart epulsaf of LOVE for you, and you don't understand.
Until when children, until when?
I LOVE you, I call you every day!(pause)
Pray My Rosary, do penance, children, and fast!
Do not be afraid, children, of anything! I am with you!
Unite, children, your hearts to my Heart! My Heart's ebrasbrasasf, I want to give it to you! Accept it, children, accept it, give your hearts to me now, in this instant!