Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 10, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Your piety and fervor have diminished. you have hardly prayed anymore. Your days are spent in dissipation, in playing, in amusements, and even in exaggerated preoccupations with the things of the world, and few of you have prayed. A time like this that you have will not be given back to you. This is the last chance GOD gives the world to convert.
I implore you to return to prayer, and to do during the month of October, the same thing you did in September at My Request.
I wish that you continue with this Perpetual Novena of the thousand prayers. In this way, My Heart will be able to obtain My TRIUMPH in the world. Otherwise, it will result in GOD abandoning you, and then Satan will come with all his strength against your lives.
I implore you to put prayer and staying in this Place in prayer first in your lives. As long as you do not put My Messages and commitment to Me first in your lives, you will never have Peace."