Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 26, 1998
Message Given at 10:30 Pm

Tell My children to pray without ceasing. I rejoice in your prayers, and offer them to My Son. Always remember: - GOD has granted Me to achieve Graces for all of you.
(Marcos) "- I knew it was not too late to wait for the Lady!"
(Our Lady)"- Yes. there is no hour, no moment too late for Me to come and speak to My children. I am attentive to My children every moment of the day."
(Observation - Marcos): (Our Lady gave me some personal advice, and invited me to give Her Message)
(Our Lady)"-My children, I thank you for your prayers tonight, and especially for listening to My Messages in this way, with LOVE.
Keep praying. My Immaculate Heart is the shield that protects you from evil. Trust! I am appearing in many places on earth, and all that I say will come to pass, because what I say are WORDS of GOD!
I ask you, little children, to consider that all those who fought Me have died, and their memory has vanished from Earth. On the contrary, My Presence and My Messages will remain for all ETERNITY.
Live My Messages! Pray the Rosary every day, and be converted from your sins! If you do all that I tell you, then I will be able to take you to Heaven, together with your families and those you love, and then I will be able to show you how great is the LOVE of our Heavenly Father.
Pray for peace in the world. Pray also for those who hate and persecute you. My blessing will descend upon them, if you pray for them too.
Pray and have Faith, as if you were seeing Me!"