Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My little children.(pause) I am with you, once more, to communicate to you the Will of THE ALL-PODEROUS.
My Heart is glad to see you all together here, despite the torrential rain, which these days has fallen.
I thank you for all the sacrifice you have shown in climbing this Mount, and in your prayers. Your Heavenly Mother(pause) feels loved, comforted and very comforted,(pause) by your sacrifices and prayers. Over all of you, descends now My Peace, and My LOVE.
Understand, dear children, that I desire to transform you (pause) into beautiful and fragrant flowers, to Heaven and to GOD. But with sin, no one can feel neither GOD nor me. So, dear children, renounce all sin, which prevents you (pause) from approaching GOD.
May this month be for you a month of profound conversions, both in your lives and in your families. I invite all of you who said YES to make another siege of Jericho, this time from January 31 to February 6, in preparation for the Eighth Anniversary of my apparitions with Jesus here.
I promise to those who do, great Graces. And as I did not fail with My Grace, at the siege of Jericho requested the previous month, I will not fail with My Mother Mercy in this next one, which I ask of you.
Tell the whole of Brazil about my request! May this Land of the Holy Cross be reunited and gathered in prayer for the World Day of Peace: - February 7, the day I spoke for the first time with this My most beloved son, who represents all of you before Me.
Dear children, I am attentive to the voice of your supplications. I collect every tear that falls from your eyes. I feel pain with your pains, I feel anguish with your anguish. Your crosses and difficulties (pause) are also Mine. I love them! I love them!(pause)
I have come (pause) to prepare the way for My Son. You are distracted, turning your hearts to other sides, and turning your back on My Voice.
Little children, wake up. Get up! Open yourselves! Feel! Believe! We have little time left!
The demons are loose in the world and they destroy everything. What thieves and mercenaries, (pause) destroy Holy Things, drag souls away from GOD, (pause) drive souls away from the Lord GOD, (pause) and lead souls to hate Him, and to refuse YOUR Holy Law of LOVE. And My Heart (pause) feels more and more concerned and afflicted with the salvation of My children.
I invite you all to unite with Me, to pray the Rosary together with Me and through Me, to the Most Holy Trinity! I invite you to impart My Special Blessing to all My children, so that their conversion may be hastened, and to raise the powerful cry everywhere:
Who as GOD? Who as GOD? No one as GOD!
And I also invite all of you to make renunciations and small daily sacrifices. For 24 hours, renounce anything that gives you pleasure. After 24 hours, renounce something else, and after another day, renounce something else (pause) that gives you satisfaction and pleasure. In this way, I will be able to purify you from sin each day, and bring you even closer to GOD, and save as many souls as possible.
Just as the rain falls, soaks all the earth, and then evaporates and returns to heaven, I also want to take an abundant rain of souls to heaven. With your prayers, many souls will reach Heaven!
Next month, I will give My Special Blessing once again here, on the Mount of Apparitions. This Blessing, which you must receive directly from Me, and transmit it to all people, one at a time. With this, dear children, I will raise a thick barrier against the evil that exists in the world.
Pray for Pope John Paul II. His enemies attack his life more every day, but I have saved him. Pray for Him, who suffers much, much, much.
Open your hearts to Hope, because the rays of the dawn of my Immaculate Heart are already appearing in the world.
Continue with the prayer of the Holy Rosary every day, and the visit to my Son Jesus in the Eucharist, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, on Thursdays and Saturdays.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My people.(pause) I AM, speak to your heart.(pause)
I love you! I love you! and I invite you, My people, to open your hearts and your souls (pause) to My LOVE.
My Sacred Heart(pause) has been trying hard to prove to you, My people, My LOVE without equal for you, but. you have recalciterated(pause) against the gifts of My Mercy.
The ingratitude (pause) of Mine, the baptized, the Christians, hurts My Heart more than the ingratitude (pause) and hatred of My enemies. And that is why I invite you to raise your eyes to My MOTHER, (pause) Model, Example and Star. who shines for all those who truly want to love Me.
Generation! I see your feet (pause) unclean, and with filth that cannot exist in My Presence. You have walked, My people, in wandering and crooked ways.
Until when will I, generation, (pause) have to shout and make the wind repeat to you (pause) the echoes of My Lament?
O generation! I told you several times: I am sick, I am faint of LOVE for you. but you don't believe, but you don't welcome, you don't throw yourself into this My LOVE!!
O generation, My people. here is what I ask of you: - prove your love for Me, not with words, but with your life, with your soul, with your whole being!
Do not defend, My people, My Providential Works and the Apparitions of My MOTHER (pause) with words only. But with your life, with your soul, with your being (pause) reflect the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set everyone free.
O generation! how many times have you silenced, with harsh spitting, the voice of My Messengers, Prophets, Instruments, My Seers, My Mother's Seers, throughout the history of the Church and humanity?
The chalice is overflowing, (pause) and spills. I do not want, generation, to punish you as your sins deserve, and that is why I come, and I beg you: - open your doors, let in the KING of Glory, and your streets will shine like gold! your doors will be as beautiful as rubies! your citadels will shine like crystal, shining in the sun! and your abodes will be like sapphires (pause) and pure gold.
Generation, this beautiful and splendid citadel, I will build in you, in every soul(pause) that is delivered to me, with confidence!
Pray for the ward of My Eyes, for the Church, especially the Vatican. They need (pause) prayers. Only a great force of prayer can transform the world, and their lives.(pause)
My Arms(pause) will move soon, and the wicked(pause) will have to endure My Justice, while the righteous(pause) will TRIUMPHTER.
Who can hear, listen!(pause)
My Voice (pause) will make itself heard in every corner of the world, and before her many knees will faint. and then, if you can still stand (pause) on your legs, you will be able to contemplate. what this sinful and perverted generation has provoked in My Justice.
However, I love you generation, and only will I not raise you up if you want to be prostrate on the ground.
Let no one say: - I am very sinful. I must no longer look to Heaven. for My Mercy existed long before you!!! My People, My LOVE already existed before (pause) that I thought of creating you!
How can you doubt My forgiveness, My LOVE, and My Mercy?
My Mercy is ETERNAL!!! Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Mercy will never, never pass away!! and to every sinner, thirsty for forgiveness, I will grant My Mercy,(pause) and I will grant you twice as much as I gave you(pause) at the baptismal font.*
I AM THAT I AM, and My Justice is not yours. My Judgments are different and they are not your judgments! And that is why (pause) I want to save My people, but I tell you: - whoever does not pass through the door of My Mercy, will have to pass through the door of My Justice. and the door of My Mercy is Mary, My Most Holy Mother.
Record, generation, record (pause) with lines of fire this Message in you, and do not allow the dust of time to erase this Message of LOVE that I print (pause) in you.
Come back, My people, come back here next month(pause) to bless the FATHER, who allowed the Immaculate Heart of My Most Holy Mother and My Sacred Heart, to descend to this valley of tears, to this land.
Oh yes, many souls (pause) have been and will be saved, thanks to these Apparitions.
Woe to you, My people, if the Father and I, in the Infinite Mercy, had not (pause) permitted this great Grace. But rejoice. not because(pause) you are simply here, but because each one of you, who is here, has been attracted(paused) and chosen, elected, by OUR Two Hearts.
Pray, My people. Pray the Rosary! Offer every day the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, so that it may come over the whole world, this time of Peace(pause) that OUR Two Hearts await with patience, anxiously. And then I will be able to call you, My people, My people; and you will be able to call Me: - My Lord and my GOD!
I bless you in the name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit."
* (Note - Marcos): (I wish to clarify the truth of the facts about the expression used by Our Lord in this Message:
...and I will grant you double what I gave you (pause) in the baptismal font.
Speaking of this, Our Lord refers here to the graces necessary to live an authentic Christian life, which we all received at Baptism.
When we are baptized, in our names our parents and godparents of Baptism have professed the Faith, and in our names they have renounced Satan, all his works and seductions, and have promised to live an authentic Christian life, aided by DIVINE Grace which is given to us precisely in the Sacrament of Baptism. Without this Grace, it would be impossible for us to fulfill GOD's Holy Law, and it is precisely through this that the Theological Virtue of Faith is infused.
It is evident that Our Lord here did not want to refer in any way to the Grace of GOD's adoptive filiation, which can only be received once, on the occasion of this Holy Sacrament of the Church. No, this Grace is received only once, however, Our Lord uses this expression to demonstrate and make clearer the excess of YOUR LOVE and YOUR Mercy, and also in the exercise of the Sovereign Freedom of the DIVINE PROCESS, which obviously does not include making mistakes, since GOD is HIMSELF the WISDOM, and it is impossible for Him to make mistakes. Therefore, Our Lord is not mistaken here when speaking like this, but those who try, because of this passage, to distort what Our Lord said, invalidate and discredit the Apparitions of Our Lord and Our Lady in Jacareí, saying that Our Lord here would be referring to the Grace of the adoptive filiation, already received only once in Baptism.
Those who do this are stingy spirits, similar to the scribes and Pharisees, who at the time of Our Lord's Life on earth, when HE affirmed that whoever did not eat YOUR Flesh and did not drink YOUR BLOOD, would not have LIFE in himself, would not accept and distort YOUR WORDS:
"Then Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will have no life in yourselves' (Jn 6:53)".
Of course, Our Lord was not referring here to rituals of cannibalism or vampirism, but to the mystery of EUCARISTY. However, those were unable to understand this because of the spirit in which they were animated, and so they enclosed themselves in a sin that dragged them all to ruin.
The same is true in Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus:
"Truly, I say to you, whoever is not born again will not be able to see the Kingdom of GOD. (Jn 3:3)".
It is evident that here Our Lord is not referring to suicide practices, nor is he talking about reincarnation, when he affirms that it is necessary to be born again. Our Lord never meant that one is born more than once, nor that to see the Kingdom of GOD it was necessary to commit suicide.
As for those who bring this spirit of Pharisee, Our Lord already warned in the Holy Gospels when he told us:
"- Jesus warned them: Open your eyes and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod" (Mk 8:15).
The same is true today, with the WORDS of Our Lord, which to the simple builders, and to the proud, serves as a cause of stumbling and falling.
Also today Our Lord asks us, as he did the Apostles on that occasion:
"Will you also withdraw?" (Jn 6:67)
All who are of the TRUTH recognize the TRUTH, and as the Apostles say, to the question of Our Lord, if we also do not want to abandon Him:
"Lord, to whom would we go? You have the WORDS of ETERNAL LIFE. And we believe and know that You are the HOLY OF GOD! (Jn 6:68-69)".
My intention is not to convince anyone, because as Our Lord said:
"The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life. But there are some among you who do not believe. That is why I said to you, "No one can come to Me unless it is granted by My Father. (Jn 6:63;65)"
But I do it only to clarify and defend the TRUTH.
It is regrettable to have to deal with such deplorable facts in the Book of Our Lady and Our Lord, but I would still have a reservation to make.
An Authority of the Church said that the Apparitions of Jesus and Mary in Jacareí are nothing more than a farce, full of theological errors, and that already in a superficial first examination, there are crass errors, such as the fact that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son himself, that is, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, when blessing at the end of His Messages, say:
". I bless you in the name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit." being He Himself the Person of the Son.
Now, to these theologians I would like them to respond, since this is wrong, as Our Lord Jesus Christ can say:
"All authority was given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and teach all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". (Mt 28:18-19)
No explanations needed. We can see here the hatred that they harbor against the Holy Apparitions of Our Lord and Our Lady, who do not even take due care to at least base their acidic and derogatory comments a little less wrongly.
This is a gross error, even more so coming from an Authority, and what is worse, written and signed in a letterhead document, made public in another Diocese.
There is nothing to comment on those who, upon receiving this document, did not even realize such an error, and spread it, to the detriment of the faithful and of the whole Church, wounding the Hearts of Our Lord and of Our Lady, who are already so offended.
To affirm categorically and a priori that one does not believe in Apparitions is the same as invalidating what Our Lord said:
"Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world. (Mt 28:20)")