Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 6, 1999
Message of Our Lady

My children, begin to live my Messages all over again, from the first to the last. This is My Motherly Desire for you.
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady prayed an Our Father for the people present and blessed us)
Second Apparition
Chapel of the Apparitions - at 10:30pm
(Our Lady)"- Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos) "Forever be praised!"
(Our Lady) "- Seek your conversion! With conversion, you will find the strength to overcome every difficulty, whether it is great or not. With conversion, GOD's graces are possible, and with conversion, the way opens by itself.
I wish that tomorrow, as soon as you wake up, you will pray a Rosary for the Cenacle of tomorrow afternoon, so that my Immaculate Heart TRIUMPH in all my children who will come, and also in those who will not.
May tomorrow your countenances be in Peace, so that all may feel My Peace and live My Peace".
Message of Our Lady
"- Dear children. (pause) today My Heart is in celebration, for seeing you, in such great number, at My Feet! Today they celebrate the eighth anniversary of my first apparition (pause) to my poor little son Marcos.
During these years, I called them to approach (pause) My Heart. I have freed them from many Punishments, and from many dangers. I formed them in Faith, taught them to pray, reminded them of the Truths contained in the Gospel of my dear Son Jesus.(pause)
During these years, My Immaculate Heart (pause) has watched over you day and night without ceasing. I am beside your sufferings, I know the cross of bitterness, which each child of mine carries. I have not abandoned them.
Trust! Courage! Forward, My children! I am with you, and I do not abandon you when you are in difficulty.
Pray the Rosary every day! Fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays! Visit the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week on Thursdays and read on this day, Matthew (6, 24-34).
Communicate daily, or as much as possible, my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. Communion, the Eucharist, is immortal life! Communion! I am close to you, I am close to the Eucharist.
Do the Way of the Cross on Fridays in your homes. Wear small holy objects, small crosses and medals, because they are signs (pause) of My Presence against Satan. They are signs by which I defend you from evil!
Pray for the Pope. He needs your prayers very much. Much of his hope is placed in Brazil! Pray for him.
Pray for the bishops and priests with the Rosary. Satan is strong, and wants to lead many priests away from the True Church of My Son Jesus. Do not allow it, My children! Do not allow (pause) with prayer.
Pray for World Peace. Peace is threatened in these times. Wars (pause) on all sides, violence, evil, rancor, destruction. No more love, no more friendship, no more brotherhood among men.
Look at My Tears of Blood, which come down from the eyes of many of My Images. Surround this Image, from whose eyes I have brought down copious tears, surround this Holy Image of mine daily with prayer.
This Place, sanctified by My Presence, and by the Presence of My Son Jesus, the Angels, and the Saints, is Sacred. The land of this Place is Sacred, and many of My children have achieved healing with it, and will continue to do so.(pause)
Pray and always come here. Those who shed Tears and Hail Marys in this Place, with a sincere heart, I will attend them.
Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid! I want to protect you from all evil. I want to lead you to salvation, but you do not want to. You don't want to convert, you don't want to return to GOD. Even seeing My Messages, Signs, Tears and Miracles, many of you are insensitive to My Voice.
Convert! My TRIUMPHER is imminent, and will be TOTAL, on the face of the Earth! Satan's days are numbered, (pause) so he acts so much in the world, but. his time comes to an end, and he will be My greatest victory over all evil in the world, with the return of Peace, joy, and union (pause) among all peoples.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I Am the Queen of All Peoples, the Immaculate Conception, the Heavenly Commander and Prophet of these times!
As I promised, I now give you My Special Blessing, which will remain with you for all eternity, all life, so that you may also transmit it to all My children, whether good or bad, in the Name of the Father.(pause) of the Son.(pause) and of the Holy Spirit.(pause)
Go in the Peace of the Lord".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! I, the LORD of Lords, (pause) leave you this instant, My PEACE.
Return to My Sacred Heart, which was the first origin of the Heart of My Holy Mother. Yes, (pause) My DIVINE FATHER, My Holy Spirit and My Sacred Heart, in a Great Union of LOVE, of pure and infinite LOVE, created this wonder (pause) that is before you: - My MOTHER!
Hear Her! Listen to Her! Listen to Her! Let Her guide you to Me!!! (pause) O My children, My Holy Mother asks for your sincere and total conversion. Convert, convert, because the hours fly by. The forces of darkness are gaining many souls, while you sleep, insensitive (pause) to any Celestial intervention.
Turn around! My Heart calls each one: - come! Do not be afraid of ME, for I AM the Good Shepherd, who gave LIFE for the sheep, and would be willing to give again if it were necessary.
I LOVE YOU! I saved you and redeemed you in My Cross once. That Sacrifice is enough to save you! Now I want each one (pause) to stand before My Heart, pierced in the Cross, and to let themselves be washed in the BLOOD more precious than all the blood. and in the WATER more precious than all the water, which they sent from My Heart.
Contemplate My Pains, children! So many wounds that I received in my Sacred Body, in my Passion. If you meditated on these Wounds every day, you would no longer sin.
Before every prayer, consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of my Mother Mary, because she will draw you, and she will bring you safely into my Heart.
The only one who can, the only one to whom I have revealed the SECRET OF THE SECRET, which is the SECRET of my Heart, has gone to my MOTHER. Only THERE(pause) can open My Heart, can conquer My Heart, and in THERE deposit who THERE wants.
O children, My Heart rejoices in this eighth year that I and My Holy Mother are with you, fighting against the forces of evil. Renew today the YES, the Act of Consecration to OUR TWO, so that we may lead you to the conclusion of this fight (pause) never before seen, with the Victory of OUR Hearts. Yes, in spite of My enemies, I KING, and I WILL KING.
Descend this instant My Blessing in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit.(pause)"
Our Lady
"- Be silent! The Angels will mark you with the Sign of the Cross, of those who are saved. (long pause)
Little children, have my peace and the peace of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. Thank you! My Heart sheds many graces on you and thanks you for the sacrifices to get here. Come back so that we may continue your conversion".
(Comments of the Seer Marcos Thaddeus): ( The Most Holy Virgin appeared all in gold. Our Lady came with Jesus, surrounded by two Angels. There was an Angel in white on the left side of TWO, in the case of the side of the Sacred Heart, and there was an Angel with a color tending to pink, a pink color but not pink, it was very tenuous, and this Angel was beside Our Lady, that is, on her right.
The Angels held in their hands something like a stick, which had on its tip like a small star, similar to a small little light. Each Angel had his own stick.
When Our Lady said that it was for you to be silent, that the Angels would pass by to mark you, I saw the Angel who was on the right side of Our Lady going in that direction, and the Angel who was on the left side of Jesus going in the other direction. They left traces of light with their wings as they moved.
The Angel who was on the right side of Our Lady began on her corresponding side and went to the center. The Angel who was on the left of Our Lord began on his side and went to the center as well, so the two met here, again in the front, but the pink Angel did not go to Our Lady's side anymore, he went to the left side of Jesus, and vice versa.
They were very beautiful, the Angels had their hair like gold crossed by the sun, some hair like this flying, very straight, blue eyes. Their skin is a difficult thing, it is not comparable to anything you see in the world.
I couldn't see the Angels marking everyone very well, because I was looking at Our Lord and Our Lady, only in some of the closest I could see that the Angels were marking, and they all had a luminous Cross on their foreheads, and superimposed on this Cross, a little letter M , by Mary.
You have to understand the meaning of this Marking: it means that I was marked by the Angel and now I can do what I want that I am already saved? I don't need to pray anymore, I don't need to fast anymore, I don't need to go to Mass anymore, I'm already guaranteed my place in Heaven?
No way, if you do not lead a holy life, you can be condemned anyway, because the mark is a sign that GOD has chosen you to Heaven, but it does not mean that you are already a chosen one. The mark will stay on you, but it does not guarantee that you are already saved, you must each continue to do your individual duty.
Later, a pilgrim who took a photo during this moment came and showed me the photo, and to everyone's surprise, the crowd of pilgrims came out, but all of them were marked with a luminous sign on their foreheads, confirming what had happened at the Apparition.
This photo can be found in this book, in the sign photo book)