Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 21, 1999
The Blessing of the Source
Message of Our Lady

Shrine of the Apparitions, in the morning
(Marcos): (Our Lady arrived where today there is a picture of Her, on a concrete column in front of the Fountain, marking the place of Her First Apparition in this new land. It was beautiful, radiant. The people and I had prayed the Rosary for two hours straight to wait for her. She smiled very beautifully. When she arrived she greeted me:)
(Our Lady)"- Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ!".
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised. What does the Lady want from us?"
(Our Lady)"- I desire prayer. More prayer! Prayer of LOVE, prayer of Faith, prayer of Trust.
Prayer made with the heart, is the prayer that reaches the graces of the FATHER".
(Marcos) "- What do you want done in this place?"
(Our Lady)"-The first thing I want here is prayer, then I will tell you what I want".
(Marcos) "- What place do you want for the Apparitions?
(Our Lady)"-It is not necessary now that I mark it, because here I will appear in several places!
(Marcos) "- Do you want a chapel here?"
(Our Lady)"- Yes, I do!"
(Marcos) "- Heavenly Mother, will you help us to make the Cenacle here?"
(Our Lady)"- Yes, I will always help you, as I always promised!"
(Marcos) "- Do you want something more from me?"
(Our Lady)"- Ask for the intercession of the Saints of their devotion!"
(Our Lady)"- Come and follow me.
(Marcos): (Our Lady moved to the left, and I followed her without taking my eyes off her. The people, at a certain distance, came after me. Later she asked me to kneel down and kiss the ground in reparation and adoration of the Blessed Trinity).
(Our Lady)"-Kiss the ground, in reparation and adoration to the Most Holy Trinity.
(Marcos): (I did as you asked. (I did as you asked.) Then Our Lady continued to move in the air, without giving me her back, and she descended on a small depression that was there, then hovering over the ravine. I followed her and went down to the depression and knelt before her. Then she said to me:)
(Our Lady)"- Look in front of her. Pierce the ground with your hands, where I am indicating!".
(Marcos): (I did as you asked. All I saw was a handful of wet, muddy soil. I pierced it and suddenly water began to sprout from the cavity in abundance. I looked at Our Lady and asked if it was good. She said:)
(Our Lady)"- Continue! Continue!".
(Marcos): (I kept digging until she told me it was fine. The water now flowed out in abundance, slipped through the small depression and then joined a small stream of water passing near there. Our Lady said to me:)
(Our Lady)"- Be the first to drink this Water! Take it from her, drink it and then tell others to do the same".
(Marcos): (I did as the Lady asked me. At the beginning the Water was muddy and smelling strange. I drank it and then I looked at her who, smiling, said to me:)
(Our Lady)"- Tell My children that I wish them to build a tank for the sick in this place, and that the other water be diverted.
I give My Special Blessing to this Source, and from now on the Water that comes out of it will cure many illnesses, and this will be the Sign that I give of My immense LOVE to all My children, to glorify GOD!
I have blessed the Water of this Fountain so that all My children may drink from it and be healed of soul and body. Cured of their sickness and their vices.
All those who come to this little Source with Faith and Trust, will receive Great Graces from my Heart!"
(Marcos): (Our Lady lowered Her Hands, reaching down, from which shining rays penetrated the Fountain Water! Then she gathered her Hands up again and invited me to pray with her the Our Father. We prayed together, and then she said to me:)
(Our Lady)"-This Source, from today on, is Miraculous. and all those who pray the Rosary and drink from it with Confidence and LOVE, will receive great graces, for both soul and body!
Go in Peace, My Son! Today I don't want anything more from you".
(Marcos): (Then he slowly disappeared, climbing up to the top of the firmament)
The same day - 6:30pm
"- I bless, AMO and protect you. I lead you and keep all evil away from you, protecting you with My Hand. Pray! Pray!"