Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition
(Marcos): (Our Lady appeared all in white, and wore a golden belt on her waist, and a brighter crown on her head. It came with two Angels)
"- I am very happy that My children are here! I wish them to pray, to pray with the heart.
I would like you today to pray especially in the, Cenacle, the Rosary of Tears of Blood, Peace and Triumph, in a solemn and special way, to achieve the Peace of the world, as I had already asked you during the days of the month.
Tell My children not to walk everywhere, but to sit down or kneel down and pray in the afternoon. GOD wants to communicate with you, but. you do not stop to listen to Him. Pray! Stop and stay in prayer, and you will feel the presence of GOD.
It would be very good if today you and the people would pray the Way of the Cross, meditating on the sufferings of My Son and on My own. (Note - Marcos): (Looking at those present, with a very sweet and loving countenance, Our Lady said:)
They are My children, I love them so much! If they could feel or discover My LOVE!
I thank you all for coming today despite all the difficulties that your country is facing. Make this day a day of more prayer! Try to return to GOD your hearts. Pray the Rosary, pray the Rosary without ceasing today, which many Graces are reserved, for those who pray the Rosary with LOVE.
My Heart is happy to see you in such great number to My Feet. (pause) I bless you in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
The Rosary is strong! Tell everyone to pray it".
Message of Our Lady
"- Dear children. (pause) I thank you once again for being here, with Me, and with My Son. I LOVE you, and with all the LOVE of my Heart, I invite you to conversion.
My Heart (pause) works without rest, for the salvation of My children, (pause) and for the conversion of the world. Pray with Me, that this time of Peace may come as soon as possible, which my Immaculate Heart desires, and waits anxiously.
My children, I invite you to build with me a new time of peace. Pray! Pray for the Peace of the World! Some countries are in conflict, while others (pause) are preparing new attacks and new discords.
Pray! With prayer, Peace for the world (pause) will come. GOD (pause) has given Me the gift of giving Peace, to all those who listen to My Voice.
For all these thousands of years, I have been carrying out My Mother and Co-Redementant Mission. Those who listened to Me, besides a happy life and death, have achieved salvation, but those who did not want to listen to Me have, after a life filled with debauchery, eternal damnation.
I invite you: - come back! come back to GOD! Do not raise the cry (pause) of rebellion on the earth anymore. The Holy Spirit, with the LIGHT of seven days in one day, acts with me and sends me, in order to give the Messages of salvation to the world. I invite you (pause) to put My Messages into practice, and to bring My Messages to all, to all men. (pause) Pray for My children who are suffering in the midst of wars. There are many innocent people who die when a war happens, and their blood cries out for beating to Heaven. (pause) Pray for all the fathers and mothers who kill their children, even before they are born. Abortion is now practiced, both secretly and openly. Every day, the blood of these innocent people (pause) cries from the trash cans. to Heaven for vengeance.
The FATHER's Cholera (pause) is inflamed, the DIVINE Patience Cup overflows. If there is no prayer and penance on the part of My people, on the part of you, My children, (pause) you will have to face hard pains, hard sufferings, as Punishment and consequence of your own personal sins.
I cry, and I ask GOD each day not to allow evil to advance over the world. But man, at every attempt that GOD and My Heart make to save them, man rebels. and raises his heel against US.
My children, for a short time I can stay with you, and one day there will be no more apparitions on earth. What will become of you, My children? What will become of you if you do not listen to My WORDS, if you do not listen to My Appeals? (pause) My children, be converted, while the Heavens are open, and the Grace will let itself be found.
Pray the Rosary! Only with the Rosary, I can still perform Miracles in the world, and in their lives.
My children, convert! convert! convert! It is my call living that I leave to you this night. and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!(pause) why don't you silence your soul, and not make it listen to Me? I AM your GOD, who LOVES you (pause) and shouts your name from the heights of Heaven.
Among the Cherubim, I make your name resound (pause) but I have not heard (pause) the song of your voice.
Generation! My Spirit (pause) acts on Earth, and is looking for hearts to enthrone Me in them, (pause) but. most of the time, I have found filthy scarfs where My Holy Feet cannot touch.
Generation!(pause) My sent, My MOTHER, My Spokesperson has come to you so many times! Why don't you listen to Her, generation? If you had listened to the call She made from Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette(pause) and other places,(pause) your illness would not have become so serious, generation.
You are sick,(pause) and you do not want to accept this. You are sick, and you still sustain your pride and your vanity before Me.
You are a leper, and you still want to show yourself beautiful (pause) and pleasant before Me.
Generation! Don't you understand that without humility, I can't, I can't free you from what you yourself have planted with your hands? Generation! Why don't you listen to My Heart, that gemendo between thorns and Blood, look for you?
When I was at the Cross, I said: I'm thirsty.
I am thirsty for LOVE! I am thirsty for souls! I am thirsty for you, generation!!!(pause)I present myself every day, sedent, as a pilgrim from Heaven, knocking at your door, but... you keep it closed, and don't allow me to enter, generation.
You have ME forgotten and ME forgotten, in the Sacrament of LOVE. My Altars are profaned! My altars are often abandoned. I have no friends. I have no confidants! I don't have (pause) humanubins, to adore ME.
Starting from priests and consecrated souls, all the people have left My tabernacles (pause) abandoned. They have so much to do, that they cannot watch for an hour with me; and then, exhausted from running after their human interests, seeking human solutions where they will not be found, they give themselves over to sleep, like My disciples, (pause) in Gethsemane.
I invite all My Church, all My people, to return to the feet (pause) of the Tabernacle. If I were exposed daily in the churches, whole cities would soon be converted!
If there were souls praying every hour before Me in the Eucharist, together with my Mother, Peace would already be established.
But they changed Me! They have exchanged Me for worldly things. And now you reap the bitter poisonous fruit that you have planted (pause) - the lack of Peace, the war, the famine, the plague, the misery, the injustices and violence that explode, that are committed every day, on all sides. (pause) My Cherubim tremble as they contemplate the anguish in which I am immersed. When WE (the Most Holy Trinity) created man, (pause) it was that he should worship Us, it was that he should obey Us, and BE with Us always.
My FATHER (pause) and I, in union with My Spirit, did not receive (pause) from man, the end for which we created him: - Worship Us, be with Us, and enjoy Our own Glory, Our own Peace.
O generation! Why did you turn away from MYSELF? Sin has dominated you, and blind you stagger, without finding: neither LOVE, nor Peace, nor consolation.
Come back to ME! Generation, the day when you (pause) raise the Rosary of My MOTHER, and with LOVE (pause) shred it, with humility (pause) contemplate it, then, My Arms will reach you, generation. and I will be able to take you out of the abyss, in which you yourself, played.
Generation, love Me!(pause) On the day of My Passion, which draws near, kneel to My feet, and like the Magdalene, weep, generation. Beg Me for My forgiveness and My Mercy, and they will be granted to you.
Do not leave My Mother's side, the Lady of Sorrows. and I will be able, generation, to free you from the oppressing Father that you have assumed for yourself: - My eternal enemy. and then, by the force of My BLOOD, I will revive your fallen forces, and I will grant you Grace.
Love Me, generation! My Heart sighs for you! Why don't you raise your prayers to ME, like songs, packed with LOVE and sweetness? Generation, return to ME, along the road of conversion and penance, with My Mother. If you come with her, you will have My Peace.
I bless you. I bless you all, in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Continue to come here, so that we may continue (pause) with your conversion".