Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- Dear children.(pause) I am with you. I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I come from Heaven, dear children, to invite you to prayer and penance.
My children, I desire that the Holy Rosary be prayed every day, in your homes, in the Church, wherever you are. My Flame of Love, My children, burns in labaredas in My Virginal Chest, and I desire to pour My Flame of Love on all of you.
My children, the world does not know My Flame of LOVE, and those who know it, know very little. It is necessary that each one of you brings My Flame of LOVE to all men. (pause) How will you do this? Through prayer; through the spreading of My Messages; through the example of life, (pause) a holy life, of each one of you, and you will set the world on fire (pause) with the FIRE of LOVE of My Immaculate Heart!
The world, consumed in hate, pleasure and sin, like a corpse, each day more (pause) is filled with darkness. Sin has dominated the whole world. Therefore, My children, it is necessary now, in addition to prayer, to have your faithful, persevering witness to the Gospel of My Son Jesus, and also to the pedes that I make to you (pause) in My Messages. (pause) Do not disturb your hearts. My TRIUMPHER will happen! But like, (pause) and in what form, is reserved only to the FATHER (pause) and to My Immaculate Heart, which reveals this DIVINE Secret only to those whom the FATHER has determined. It is up to you (pause) to believe praying!
Trust, My Children!
Satan (pause) has proclaimed his appearance victory, by having controlled (pause) the minds of scientists, the rulers of nations, and the powerful of this world. But. GOD Laughs at Satan, and GOD will operate YOUR LARGEST VITORY, making My TRIUMPHER shine soon, over the heavens (pause) and over the earth, of the whole world. Trust!
For this Month of May, I wish you a Hail Mary every Saturday! Offer. for the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart, for my intentions, and I will then pray for your intentions. It is not much, My children. (pause) Pray, and you will see how many Graces I can give you. Do not be afraid, (pause) begin, and you will be surprised at the effects of this powerful prayer, made more and more in union with Me.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! (pause) I LOVE you! I AM a GOD consumed of LOVE for you! My Sacred Heart (pause) is attentive to the voice of your supplications.
My Sacred Heart is consoled to see this crowd at My Feet and at My MOTHER'S Feet! Never (pause) forget this: All that is done to My MOTHER, in fact, results in a greater Glory to Myself!
Generation! Listen to OUR Hearts (pause) this month of roses, flowers, and LOVE. Generation! The time, prescribed by FATHER, is coming, (pause) and now is the moment, of your works to show. what is your Faith.
I wish you to turn to Me, generation, because this way, I will be able to heal you, to free you from the shackles of sin, and to give you the Peace, that you search so much (pause) in the things of the world, where it does not exist.
Generation! Listen to My appel:
I am in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, generation, and you do not see Me!
I am in Holy Communion with you, and you do not listen to Me!!!
I am with you in Holy Communion, and yet you do not know Me!
O generation! Know that I have never revealed so many treatures of My Mercy, as in this century! Therefore, come back to Me, generation, to the foot of the Tabernacle! There is your TREASURE, there must also be your heart.
Generation, (pause) the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is the SECRET of Heaven. I reveal this SECRET to the friends, who join me. Come, generation, to the foot of ME in the tabernacle, and then I will besiege this SECRET in your ears.
Generation! The Fountain that runs here, in this Sacred Place, is a Fountain that has sprung (pause) from the Pure Love of My Mother's Heart! Fountain of Purity! Fountain of Grace! Fountain of Peace, of LOVE and Joy!
Drink from Her, wash in Her, everyone, because this Fountain is from My MOTHER, and because of HER, I will do wonderful prodigies, if you ask Me in Faith.
Let everyone know that this is a holy place, worthy of prayer and respect! Therefore, one should not talk here, but one should pray, open one's heart, and I will open Heaven (pause) for those who come here. I demand only the sacrifice of pilgrimage here, so that then I may pour out my graces to you.
Here is the Secretary of My Peace and My Mercy! My servant, whom My Heart and the Heart of My MOTHER (pause) we have used for the past eight years, and upon whom we have showered OUR Graces and favors, so that through him all souls may reach.
You must pray, not only for this one, but for all My chosen servants around the world, (pause) because through them, the sick old women of My flock (pause) will be brought to My Presence, so that they may be healed by Me.
Generation, I LOVE YOU! Proclaim to the whole world that the Sacred Heart of your GOD (pause) has fried and grown for you, day and night.
Come, generation. Take shelter in My wounds, (pause) wash yourself in the Strength of My BLOOD, and you will live again. Let My Lips print on you the kiss of My DIVINE LOVE, so that when you burn in this LOVE, you can then reflower, just like the flowers after winter, in spring, show all their beauty.
Generation, come! I LOVE you very much! On the Cross, I gave My LIFE for you, and on the Altars, I give you Myself!
Generation, come. Receive Me! Hear Me! Remain WITH ME, and then you will live for all ETERNITY, and everyone will know the EXTREMO LOVE APAIXONADO (pause) that each day I keep increasing for you.
I bless you all, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".