Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 13, 1999
Apparition in the Shrine, in the Tree of Apparitions

TRIUMPF BEGINNINGDay of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(Marcos): (As Our Lady asked us, we are waiting for Her in the Shrine, in the Tree, at the time scheduled by Her, with prayers of the Way of the Cross and the Rosary. Many pilgrims from outside also came.
During the moment of the Apparition a little drizzle began to fall on everyone, although no one was left wet at the end of the Apparition, when the drizzle also ended.
Also on this day Our Lady granted a great photographic sign, which can be found in the photo book of signs in this book. It took place like this: A pilgrim took a photograph of the Tree at the time of the Apparition, and a large globe of Light appeared on the Tree, indicating the presence of Our Lady and Her Angels, who on this day, in their thousands, accompanied Our Lady.
She came all in gold, and carried in Her right Hand a Scepter of Power).
"- Dear children, today you remember My Apparition in the poor Cova da Iria, in Fatima, in the distant year of 1917.
As I promised you, today the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will begin! My Angels must go all over the world and bring to Me, to my Immaculate Heart, my children whom I desire to save.
You will see My Motherly Action unleashed powerfully now. The Signs will multiply! My Graces will multiply! The devil will begin to lose his power, and what he has conquered with such pride, I will again take from him, and place in the Hands of my DIVINE Son Jesus!
GOD will call to conversion people of many races, peoples, languages and nations! They will return to HIM! they will return to the FATHER's home!
My Immaculate Heart will attract with His Irresistible Strength many souls to Me! Your prayers during all this time will now begin to trigger strong conversions in many people.
Pray, dear children, the Rosary every day! now even more intensely! I will begin My TRIUMPHER in. (I cannot reveal*) and from there I will follow all over the world.
In Brazil, my Immaculate Heart will begin to tear down all barriers, and then I will TRIUMPH in hearts.
I desire that each one of you pray more than you have prayed until now, and I promise you I will never abandon you, and I will always extend My Mother Hand to you.
I am the VITORIous Queen of the World! and my LOVE embraces all humanity. Do not be afraid of this rain that has fallen on you. it will not harm you.
Continue to drink from the Source and take from this water to the sick, to relieve them.
My children, for the Great Jubilee of My Son Jesus, I will have gathered many faithful old women around My Immaculate Heart, and I will be able to give to My Son Jesus this washed, purified, sanctified, to please and cheer the Heart of My Jesus.
You who are here, have been washed this instant. Rejoice in this! Rejoice much more because your names are engraved on my Immaculate Heart!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
* (Later, on April 7, 2000, Our Lord Jesus Christ referred to the beginning of the TRIUMPH OF THE Immaculate Heart of HIS MOTHER in Poland through the Canonization of Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska by Pope John Paul II, and consequent universal recognition of the Work of DIVINE Mercy revealed to her by the Lord in His apparitions for almost her entire life.
Therefore, a Saint of the Apparitions, the first to be canonized in the Great Jubilee Year, when so many fight both outside and inside the Church against the Apparitions. And it is a relevant fact that in these Apparitions, Our Lord affirms that when the universal recognition of His Mercy would be given, it would be the SIGN that His Glorious Return would be imminent, at the doors).