Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 17, 1999
First Apparition - at 6:30pm
Message of Our Lady

"- My children, now is the time of penance! I have pity on you for what may happen to you, if what I say is not done.
If Punishment comes, I will not diminish a drop (even) of GOD'S JUSTICE TAX. You will have to take it until the end.
So convert! and do penance."
Mount of Apparitions, Saturday - at 10:30 p.m.
"- It is a time of conversion and penance! The sins of the world cry vengeance to Heaven . If there is no one to make reparation and penance, in the place of sinners, I have pity for what will happen to you. Prayer and Sacrifice are needed now!
To be a Saint means to give everything to the Lord, even the smallest things, which seem unimportant.
This is now the time of Penance! Don't think that I am playing with you! If GOD wants to punish you, I will not alleviate (even) one drop of your sufferings, because it will be deserved. I can only lessen the sufferings of those who pray, and who trust in Me.
This is the time of conversion!!!"