Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My children.(pause) I am with you, even if you do not see Me(pause) or feel Me. My Lord, the Almighty and Eternal GOD, sent Me into the world today once again, to tell you:
- Convert!
The Messages that the Holy Trinity has entrusted to Me to communicate to the world are already over. So today I renew my request:
- Pray the Rosary every day!
- Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays with love.
- Visit My Son in the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week on Thursdays. I am always present when My children are in adoration, and at this moment Special Graces are obtained through My Intercession to you.
- Read the Bible! you have despised the Bible, left the WORD of GOD, and because of this, the Grace of GOD has also turned away from you. Go back to reading the Bible, and you will see how everything you do not understand (pause) will become clear.
- Be humble! Be very good! Be charitable, cordial to all, loving to the suffering, merciful to your enemies, and above all, patient with those who delay and are slow to convert.
- Long Live My Messages! Spread them! Do not waste time! Don't stop when you hear a refusal to believe them. Go elsewhere, but never stop taking My Messages!
In September, my Spouse Saint Joseph, with me and my Son Jesus, will come to bless Brazil. Convert Brazil!!! The Cup of DIVINE Justice, for you, is overflowing. If this Nation continues to spread pornography, violence, lack of Faith, disrespect for the things of GOD, and if nobody does anything! a Great Punishment will come to this Country.
Me. I LOVE Brazil with a LOVE of Predilection, and I have prevented Punishment as much as I can. but if you don't convert, I won't be able to do anything. GOD's Goodness can no longer be offended as it has been until now.(pause) Convert!
My Immaculate Heart is pierced side by side by a sword of pain. I do not find holy souls, I do not find humble souls full of love for Me and My Son! We are always in the last place, in most hearts.
Convert! Change your lives! Pray for the Pope, for the souls in Purgatory, for the conversion of the world, and for all humanity.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My chosen people!!!
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the Source of Pure Love that you seek.
My Sacred Heart(pause) is the FIRE that consumes the souls, like a burning bush.
My Sacred Heart(pause) is the Refuge of My tired, suffering, and exhausted little children.
My Sacred Heart(pause) is the Pledge of Eternal Salvation.
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the vessel of LOVE!
My Sacred Heart(pause) is the Source of Healing, Peace, Serenity and Joy that you are looking for.
My Sacred Heart(pause) is the Light that tears the darkness of this world in which you live, and shows you the True Path!
My Sacred Heart is the Source of Water, of Water of LIFE, and everyone who drinks from it will never thirst again.
My Sacred Heart is the Sweet Mansion of My children, who preach My Name all over the Earth!
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the Gout of Mild Honey, which diminishes your bitterness, and your incredulity.
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the Source of Family Salvation!
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the Anchor of Salvation of the youth!
My Sacred Heart (pause) is the Rock on which My Church will never be defeated.
My Sacred Heart is the charm and ecstasy of My Angels and Saints, who adore Me without ceasing, in Paradise.
My Sacred Heart, (pause) formed from the Heart of My MOTHER, in Her virginal womb, is for you the certainty of Eternal Life! (pause) My Sacred Heart (pause) is the relief, in your sorrows!
My Sacred Heart(pause) pulses with LOVE for you, for all of you.(pause)Behold the Heart, which LOVES men so much, but only receives sins and ingratitude from them.
My Sacred Heart(pause) is a Sign of Joy!
My Sacred Heart, (pause) wounded and outraged by this sinful humanity, cries out:
- LOVE!! Screams:
- LOVE! LOVE!!! LOVE!!!(pause) My Sacred Heart moans , chasing you, in order to find you My children. You who run away from Me, (pause) come to My Sacred Heart! He is the last Salvation Tablet I offer you.
Whoever places my Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of my Mother next to mine, be it in a painting or picture, in his house. he can be sure that I will save that family.
Those priests who place OUR TWO United and Pierced Hearts, in the place of honor, in their Churches, can be sure that I will bind and sanctify (pause) the flock of that Parish. I will convert the sinners, I will give Faith to the unbelievers, I will sanctify the reprobate*, I will give Peace (pause) to the good /B).
I bless you in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit."
*(Note - Marcos): (Here Our Lord does not mean that condemned souls can be saved, but rather that the souls who would one day be reprobate, because of the life of sin they lead, will no longer be so, thanks to the Messages given by Him and by HIS most holy Mother, where HE made this promise.
A WORD of Jesus and Mary is enough to change the course or eternal destiny of a soul. For GOD, everything is possible).