Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 13, 1999
Sanctuary of the Apparitions, at the Fountain of Grace - 6:30 p.m.
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): (Our Lady appeared beside Her White Image, the one that marks the Place of Her first Apparition in the Shrine, blessed her and said:)
(Our Lady) "- This is a picture of grace! Those who come to her and pray will receive the graces of my heart"(Note): (Our Lady moved, and the seer stood up, and without looking at the ground, accompanied her. With her eyes fixed on the Apparition and without wavering, but with firm and decisive footsteps, she accompanied Our Lady and repeated Her words.
They approached the bridge that gives access to the Source, and Our Lady said that there should be a way for people to cross. After that they went to where the Source was born and Our Lady said:)
(Our Lady) "- Here a cave should be built, and inside it should be placed My Image with Hands granting Graces.
Behind you must be made My Garden, with white, red and yellow roses, meaning the Prayer I desire of My children, the Sacrifice of coming here and Penance as the conversion of their sins.
Around the Grotto and around the whole Source, white, red and yellow roses should be planted".
(Marcos): "- I will do everything as you have asked me.
(Our Lady) "- Come, I will now show you the place where I want the pool to be made for the sick." Note: (Our Lady moved again, and the seer accompanied her. When we arrived at the place where today we can see the pool for the sick, Our Lady stopped and pointing with Her Finger to the ground said:)
(Our Lady) "- Here I wish that the pool be built for the sick".
(Note): (The place pointed out by Our Lady was dry, there was only a small pool of water in a small depression of the ground, because it had rained previously.
When those in charge of building the pool started to dig, to everyone's surprise, it mined water right at the head of the pool, under the first step, and the water appeared under the ground, mined from the bottom up)
(Our Lady) "Come, that now I will show you the place where My Image in Prayer should be placed, on the faucets of the Source".
She also added that she wanted a Crucifix in front of the pool, on the side where the water entered, so that the sick would kiss it as a sign of contrition before washing. At the time it was thought that one could choose the side where to put Font¯ water in the pool. It was only when the excavation to build it started and the water sprouted there, that it was understood that Our Lady was referring to the place where the water was born.
She also gave the measurements of the interior of the tank: 3 x 2 meters, and about 50 centimeters deep. She said it could be rustic even, only of plastered cement.
Later, thinking about the date of 12/19/99, we all thought it was the day of the Apparition when Our Lady had blessed the Source, however, when we verified, this Apparition had occurred on 21/99.
Intrigued, the seer took the risk of asking Our Lady again why the date was, to which she answered that it was the day she and Jesus took possession of the Shrine and all that place, and it was exactly on this day, at three o'clock in the afternoon, time of the DIVINE Mercy, that the seer Marcos Tadeu was at the Registry and signed the Deed of purchase of the Shrine, which has this date)
(Our Lady) "- My son, this is the last time I insist with you about the Images, the Source and the Cave, because I have insisted on this many times.
Since now you know what you must do, you can no longer waste time! Work tirelessly for the causes I gave you. On this subject I will not answer any more questions, and I will not make any more of the same subject.(pause)Stay in Peace."(Note): (Our Lady then gave the following Message to all)
(Our Lady) "- With My Mighty Foot I will crush the head of the dragon! Trust in Me and pray much".