Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 19, 1999
Shrine of the Apparitions, near the Tree - 6:30 p.m.
Feast of Our Lady of Salette

(Marcos): (Our Lady turned to the people, drew a Great Sign of the Cross on them, put down Her Hands, and out of them came Rays of Light that landed on the heads of those present. She said:)
"- I give My children My Special Blessing , as you asked of Me yesterday. Wherever they are and wherever they go, My Blessing will be with them. For whatever they look at, and for all those with whom they meet, if they say: "- I give you Our Lady's Special Blessing," Immediately, I will pour out My Blessing, and this Blessing will remain for the rest of their lives.
Go. and bless in My Name, day by day, all those you meet. whether on the street, at home, at work or in the Church; for all give My Special Blessing. Do not forget anyone! especially for those who are more closed to the grace of GOD".
(Marcos): (After the Blessing the Blessed Virgin transmitted the Message:)
(Our Lady) "- Dear children, today you remember My distant Apparition, in the year 1846, at the top of the mountain of La Salette, France. I appeared to my two little children, Maximino and Melânie, and I said to them, "Come, my children, do not be afraid. I will tell them the Great News".
I asked for a life of prayer, and yet the world did not answer Me.
I asked for conversion! and I was not heard.
I asked for an end to the blasphemies against my DIVINE Son Jesus Christ! and the world did not amend itself.
I asked that the Apostles of the Last Times stand up to help me placate the Wrath of GOD with their prayer life and sacrifices, and yet I was not heard.
Today more than ever, my pain is great. Be converted! Pray the Rosary! Change your lives! Do not offend GOD anymore. Only then will I be able to implore for you a New Time of Grace, Peace and Salvation".