Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, September 21, 1999
Shrine of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Saint Joseph Fountain - 6:30pm
"- Dear children, tomorrow St. Joseph will come, with me, to bless this Água.
I wish that on the first Saturday of every month a Special Cenacle will be held here in the Shrine where you will pray, and where all the images that will be sent to the people on Day Seven will be immersed in this Water.
Heaven wants to spread My Graces more, through the immersion of the Images, both of Mine and of St. Joseph, as well as of My Son Jesus or as the Angel of Peace, in these Miraculous Waters.
I also wish that you come always to pray the Rosary here, and that you come to wash in the Fountain of St. Joseph, because Heaven wishes to grant many Graces through His Intercession, and wants to make His Graces shine for the whole world through the Water of these Swimming Pools.
(Marcos): (I asked Our Lady about the Image of St. Joseph, where it should be placed)
(Our Lady) "- You can put where He will appear, which is where I am now, or in the place where My Image* is, or in any other place where you think best. It would be more logical, however, to place the image where it will appear".
(Marcos): (Our Lady prayed in Her Mother tongue, raised Her Hands to Heaven, and from Her Body She was detached as if an Incense going up to Heaven. After the prayer and the Blessing, He raised Himself up to Heaven)
*(Note - Marcos): (When Our Lady referred to the place where Her Image was, it is because an Image of Her was placed at the head of the Source, to wait for Her at the time of the Apparition)