Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 1, 1999
Blessing of the Way of the Cross
Message of Our Lady

Sanctuary - Cruz de AMOR de Dozulé - 6:30pm
(Our Lady) "- As I said, today I come to bless this Way of the Cross.
(Note - Marcos): (This is the Way of the Cross of the Apparitions Shrine. As Our Lady had requested, the outline of the Way of the Cross was defined, and the fourteen Crosses were arranged, referring to the fourteen Seasons, the last, the fifteenth, that of the Resurrection, would be the Cross of LOVE itself.
This is the Way that Our Lady came especially today to bless. Our Lady began to draw several Signs of the Cross, and from Her Hands were Rays of Light, which were going towards the Way of the Cross.
Later, She would ask that an Image of Her, like the Lady of Sorrows, and of St. John the Evangelist, be placed next to the Cross of LOVE)
(Our Lady) "- Everyone who comes here to make this Way of the Cross, on any day and at any time, will receive peace and protection from my Heart.
Those who do it piously will receive from Me the Grace of feeling in the depths of their hearts, My Sorrows and the Torments of Jesus.
May an Our Father and seven Hail Marys be prayed from one Station to another in honor of My Sorrows and Tears. Particularly those who come here on Wednesdays and Fridays to do this Way of the Cross will receive Graces from my Heart.
Many sinners will convert here, on the Path of this Way of the Cross and at the feet of this great Cross, where I am kneeling, day and night, praying for sinners all over the world.
This is the Calvary of my Shrine. May those who love Me follow Me with the Cross here".