Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 21, 1999
Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): (Our Lady came radiant, with a very beautiful golden dress, the Crown of Twelve Stars radiating a great LIGHT. On the right hand a Queen's Scepter, and on the left hand a Rosary of golden beads)
"- My children, thank you for your prayers. Today, when you contemplate My Presentation in the Temple, I want to say to all of you:
Peace! Peace!!! Peace!!! Today humanity seeks the true meaning of Peace and does not find it. Peace is the PERFECT COMPLIANCE of the Will of GOD!
At the age of three, I became Queen of Peace, because, from that moment on, the Will of GOD was fully fulfilled in Me. I accepted it, and put it into practice in My LIFE. If you also accept the Will of GOD and put it into practice, you will become messengers and instruments of this Peace that the world does not have, because the world does not do the Will of GOD for love.
I invite all of you to give your hearts to Me, so that I may present them to the Lord as I was presented to Him.
I invite you, in a very special way, to young people who can still dedicate their entire lives to DIVINE service and to HE loving, praising, blessing and responding.
May young people look to Me! and be filled with love, hope, faith, and holy desires to love and bless GOD with their lives!
If you love GOD more than yourself, more than the world! you will live forever as flowers planted by Me in this world, and then picked and carried by Me to ETERNITY. I invite you to be roses of love in this world!
Pray the Rosary every day, with piety, love and devotion. It will lead you to complete detachment from yourself, and total abandonment to Me, so that I may lead you to GOD.
I am your Mother, and I am by your side every day, and I see your many sufferings.
Pray for Pope John Paul II, for he suffers much, and his health is weaker and weaker. Only a great force of prayer, leaving the world toward heaven, can achieve Grace from the Most High so that he does not faint before the hour.
My children, I LOVE you and I invite you to become Messengers of My Peace to the world. (Note - Marcos): ("...and lifting up Her golden Scepter, which had at the end a small Cross, and in the center of the Cross, a small Heart, She drew the Sign of the Cross")I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit"(Note - Marcos): (The Sign of the Cross was shining and that Cross fell into countless particles that were like cerration on the people present. Then she touched my head with the Scepter, but she didn't explain anything)