Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 18, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy
Revelation of the THIRD SECRET of Our Lady

One day when My Son Jesus was five years old, I looked at Him playing in front of Our house in Nazareth. Write down, My Son, the `alegria' I felt when I saw My Son playing.
Suddenly, as I cast my gaze at Him, I saw Him all disfigured, Crowned with Thorns, full of Blood, Sores and Spores. I got down on my knees crying, not knowing or understanding what was going on. Then, seeing Him in such great Suffering, I asked Him:
- My Jesus, why are you so disfigured? full of Blood, Sores and Spores?..and He answered Me:
- Because of LOVE, My MOTHER. Because of the LOVE that I have for all men and for all sinners, of all ages, of the whole world. So I asked Him:
- My Jesus, what is the wound that causes YOU the most pain? HE answered me:
- It is the Wound of the Heart, because this Wound was opened because of the ingratitude of men. The ingratitude of those to whom I have devoted so much LOVE causes ME a terrible, unbearable `DOR', and no one will be able to translate it into words.
Then I looked at My Son Jesus, and HE suddenly returned to normal. Then I burst into tears with a `DOR so great' that no mind, neither human nor angelic, will ever be able to peer.
My Son, seeing Me so exhausted, came to Me, caressed My Face, wiped My Tears, kissed Me and told Me:
- My MOTHER, not ME 'black' at seeing her cry. but I wanted you to understand how much I will have to suffer, and how much YOU will still have to cry, but. be brave! unite YOU WITH ME, that OUR LOVE will save humanity. and know, that all those souls who pity 'this pain that you felt' at seeing ME in this way, 'bloodied and wounded', that I will grant them all that they ask for from ME.
My son, tell the whole world about this `Minha Grande DOR'. Tell sinners that their sins will be forgiven as they go deeper into this `Minha Grande DOR'.
Tell especially the most obstinate sinners to contemplate this `My Great Pain', at least for a moment, and I will obtain for them the conversion of their souls". Mount of Apparitions - 10:30 p.m.
"- Dear children, I wish that you continue praying. and that you do not sin anymore.
"When you are about to commit some sin, remember how much My Son Jesus 'struck the Cross' for each one of you. and how much I myself suffered beside Him, for the salvation of all.
If you think more about the sufferings of Jesus and mine, you will sin less. Ask the Holy Spirit, through my sorrows and tears, to grant you the 'strength' to say NO to sin.