Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Our Lady) Write: - The world will only have Peace when it lives My Messages of Peace, given here in Jacareí. My son, ask, insist and invite everyone to do the 'Hour of Peace', and be perseverant in it. I want Peace, and I need prayers to get it to the world.
Tomorrow, I will give you an important Message, and for this you must pray and prepare to receive it".
(Marcos) "- What did last night's event mean?" (it's about the Demon attack I've already talked about).
(Our Lady)"-I told him that Satan hates him many times, and now even more, after his plans failed. He really wants to kill him, but, I will stop him. What he did last night was a small sample of his hatred for you, and how much he prepares you, but... don't be afraid! I will always be with you!
He will come back, you can be sure of that, but, My Immaculate Heart will defend him, My 'treasure'!"