Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 8, 2001
Apparition at the Sacred Fountain of St. Joseph in the Shrine of the Apparitions of Jacareí
Message of Our Lady

Write: The world does not know the power of the intercession of the Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph, my most chaste and virginal spouse. If the world knew how great His Power is with My Divine Son and Me, it would never forget Him.
The Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph must be loved, known and imitated by all people on earth. Humanity will not find the Peace and Mercy of GOD, until if you return with confidence and love to the Sweet and Justy, the Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph. Since My first Messages here in Jacareí, I have always asked that My children have a true and solid devotion to My Spouse Saint Joseph, for he who loves Him loves Me; he who imitates Him imitates Me; he who follows His examples, follows My people.
They imitate the purity of St. Joseph; His fruitful and praying silence; His meekness and conformity to the Holy Will of GOD; His unlimited and unreserved obedience to the Lord; His burning Love for GOD and for His and My Divine Son Jesus Christ; His Docility and increasing correspondence to the desires and influences of the Divine Holy Spirit.
There has not been and never will be a man so joyful and deserving of such an outstanding Grace as that of being the Father Nutrition of the Son, than my Most Dilemic Spouse St. Joseph.
Venerate him by my side! Come always here in His Source to pray, speak and spend hours with Him in sweet prayer.
Here great things will happen in souls; and the future of many nations, things and people will be decided and shown here, in this Most Holy Source.
Come here and my Most Chaste Spouse will teach you to love Jesus, me and the Most High Lord, as He loved you.
Message of St. Joseph
"Son! He warns the world that my Most Beloved Heart is burning with Love for him, and I can no longer keep the Fire of my Holy Love within me. With a 'violent force' He runs to find you and comes to meet you. Do not deny receiving the Fire of My Love in you, for He wants to consume your carnal attachments, your worldly attachments, your defects, your faults and your coldness; and to make you burn and burn eternally with Love and fidelity for My Divine Adopted Son and Our Majesty, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and for Your Most Holy Mother and My Most Pure Spouse, Mary Most Holy, the Sovereign of all the Created.
My Most Loving Heart loves you immensely, and wants, in these times of lack of love and faith, to be for you the 'fiery furnace of Charity and Love' towards GOD, towards my Most Sweet Queen, Mary, and towards the Holy Church.
My Most Loving Heart loves you immensely, and wants, in these times and in this world, where the lack of love reigns among men, persons, families and even within the Holy Church, to be for you the Fire and the fiery Furnace of True Love and Charity, to help you Love, serve and above all plant and live Peace with everyone, for Love of the Lord GOD.
My Most Loving Heart loves you immensely and wants to help you, console you and pour balm on your wounds acquired in your struggles in this world without GOD and without Love, where so often you are wronged, humiliated and despised and thus become in need of Grace, Love and Divine Affection, so that you can continue your mission as true Apostles of the Last Times and propagators of the Holy Truth of GOD's Word, and so do not become discouraged in the middle of the road.
My Most Loving Heart loves you immensely and wants to lead you to a very high degree of Holiness and Love for GOD, for My Divine Queen, Mary; for the Holy Catholic Church, for the Holy Eucharist and for all the Sacraments and Mysteries of the Catholic Christian Faith.
My Most Beloved Heart is here night and day, and in this Most Holy Source I pour out all the graces that the Blessed Trinity has placed in Him and I give them generously and abundantly to all souls who come here to seek Me with love, piety, trust and humility.
Son, the devil was very humbled yesterday, (Note: 04/07/2001) when you spoke to the people gathered here and, above all, for having brought so many souls to know the Most Holy and Excellent Life of Our Queen, Mary. Many are already beginning to truly love Her and the power of Satan has begun to crumble in many souls.
You should feel happy about this. But beware, and be warned that his hatred for you has multiplied and that he will try to destroy you for it; but you should fear nothing, because We will always be at your side, beloved child.
My Most Loving Heart will always be your refuge, support, shield and protection, and therefore you must be strong and brave and always go forward, fearing nothing and no one.
I prepare your place and the place of all those who fight and work with you to spread Our requests to the world, every day in Heaven, and what an eagerness I have to see them and have them here at My side!
Go ahead, beloved, and of My children, the most Beloved, and continue to do all that has been commanded you. Give the Flame of Love of my Most Loved Heart to the world, and
I will make you brighter than the Sun in Heaven, one day, by the Virtue that the Most High Lord has granted Me and that thus disposes and governs everything.
I bless you now".