Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, April 11, 2001
Revelation of Our Lady's Fourth Secret Pain
Message of Our Lady

I want you to write down everything I'm going to tell you: One day, when my Divine One is Jesus Christ playing, near the door of our house in Nazareth, I saw Him suddenly configured and bathed in Blood, crowned with thorns and full of sputum. I understood so, by special Light and Virtue of the Most High, the Most Holy Mysteries of the Passion and Death of my Divine Son, and again I said my 'Yes' to the Lord, to accept the suffering of my Son and to suffer together with Him whatever the Lord of Us wished.
At that moment Simeon's words came back to Me, and the pain of that omentum was renewed in Me like a devouring Fire. But I offered myself as a locusts to my Divine Son, for the just reparation of the Lord and for the salvation of the world.
My son, I will grant all that is asked of Me through this Secret Pain, if my children honor Me for it and do not forget it.
Son, tell all who venerate these My Secret Pains, and I will help them in all their needs".
(Marcos) "Yes, Madam! I will make everyone know and venerate this great secret!"