Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 16, 2001
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

My children, today you remember my last Apparition in Lourdes, France to my poor and innocent little daughter Bernadette...Our 'last meeting' took place in silence, prayer and contemplation. Our 'last meeting' took place in silence, prayer and contemplation. Our 'last meeting' took place in silence, prayer and contemplation...Our hearts spoke to each other...Little children, contemplate today your Immaculate Mother, who appeared for the last time to Bernadette, thus concluding her Message of Prayer and Penance...Live my requests, which I made to the whole world from the Grotto of Massabielle...My Message given at Lourdes must be put into practice and lived by all, as soon as possible, so that the souls of the whole world may come to conversion and be saved. Above all, imitate my little daughter Bernadette in prayer, in purity, in the mortification of the body, in her prompt and loving obedience, which so pleased and comforted my Immaculate Heart... My Apparitions in Lourdes are a Great Sign of My Love for the whole world, and if you put into practice what I asked of you in that Holy Place, you will have the Peace and Salvation of God...I am the Immaculate Conception! and to all today I bless Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari.