Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Apparition of the Three Holy Hearts of Jesus, Mary Most Holy and Saint Joseph, at the Hour of Grace

(Transcript of the recording made by Vidente Marcos Tadeu Teixeira)
The Three Sacred Hearts were accompanied on this day by St. Bernadette of Lourdes and Pierina Gilli, the Seer of Montichiari, it was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Most Holy.
The Three Sacred Hearts appeared dressed in very bright gold, and the Blessed Virgin, after the initial greetings, gave this following Message to the world through her Seer Marcos Tadeu.
"I am the Immaculate Conception, today, my children, contemplate the heavenly Mother in the splendor of her blameless conception. I am the Immaculate Conception, that is what I said to my little daughter Bernadette in the Grotto of Lourdes, confirming once and for all the ineffable truth of my blameless conception.
I came to attest this eternal and infallible truth, once and for all, personally at Lourdes.
The Most High has loved me so much that he has exempted me from every stain of sin, not only original, but also from every habitual, temporal guilt, thus making me most holy, beautiful, irreproachable in his eyes, full of grace, full of his friendship and peace.
The Word loved me so infinitely that he made me the greatest mercy that a creature could receive, to leave the hands of the Divinity, full of his grace, full of his most blessed light.
The Holy Spirit loved me so deeply that he made me all filled with heavenly beauty, full of his kindness, and perfect mirror of divine splendor.
In me He recreated humanity, in me He formed true humanity, always desired and dreamed of by the Lord, in me all creation was reborn to the life of divine grace. I am, therefore, all beautiful, all full of grace, occupying a unique place between heaven and earth. I am the mediator of all graces, I am the door of Heaven, I am the only safe way to God. Through the splendour of my Immaculate Conception I illuminate the ways of all my children so that I may lead them safely to God. With the splendor of my Immaculate Conception I dissipate the darkness of sin, lack of faith and errors, discord and war, evil and sorrow. With the splendour of my Immaculate Conception I dissipate and upset the forces of my eternal adversary, the infernal dragon, Lucifer, blinded by his sight, so that I cannot see clearly my plans, and where I lead my obedient children, I disorientate the dragon's steps to bring him to an end to his total fall, and thus obtain my greatest triumph. With the splendor of my Immaculate Conception I discard the incidences of my adversary against my obedient children, I chase away the demons so that they may cease to harm my children, and frustrate their evil plans.
With the splendor of my Immaculate Conception I communicate strength to my obedient children, I instruct them about what they should do for the spread of my Messages, I clarify how they should obey them, how they should make them reach those farthest from me. With the splendour of my Immaculate Conception I help the world in these times of affliction and tribulation, of war and the temporary predominance of evil.
I shed my great light on events to bring all humanity to the triumph of peace and of my Immaculate Heart. The splendor of my Immaculate Conception foreshadows the total liberation of all of you from the dominion of sin and the infernal dragon, it announces the total renewal of all creation that will soon take place. It will be the triumph of God, it will be the triumph of peace, it will be the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, so I invite everyone to raise their eyes to me, the Immaculate Conception, and to be filled with hope and confidence, for by my Immaculate Conception the Most High has already assured me of my victory over the dragon and the world.
I bless everyone who came here for my Hour of Grace, and to everyone today I cover with my Cloak, I close them all in my Immaculate Heart at this moment".