Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 3, 2005
Feast of Divine Mercy

(Marcos Thaddeus): The Three Sacred Hearts, Jesus, Mary and Joseph appeared together dressed in white and surrounded by the most wonderful light. I asked them: Majesties, do you have any Message for the people today?
The Sacred Heart answered:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ): "Yes. In the excessive mercy of our Sacred Hearts we promise to all that they will make Setena every month:
1ª) They will have the grace to free 1000 souls from Purgatory each day with their prayers.
2ª) These 1000 souls will be chosen by my Mother among those who would stay longer in Purgatory, and among the most forgotten for which nobody prays.
3ª) On the last day of Setena they will free 7000 souls at once.
4ª) On the last day of Setena we will pass by the houses where Setenas were made, and we will mark them with the blood of our Most Holy Tears, these houses and their inhabitants will not be wounded by the punishments, and they will be helped by Us in all their afflictions.
5ª) We will place an Angel in each of these houses to guard them.
6th) On the last day of Setena we will give a blessing to the people who made Setena that we will not give to those who did not make it.