Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Monthly Cenacle at the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí

(Marcos Thaddeus): What message do you have for everyone today?
Message of Saint Joseph
"...Dear children, I, Joseph, say to you: Convert without delay! Obey our messages before it is too late. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in La Salete and there, besides her complaints and her tears entrusted to the little shepherds Maximino and Melani, she also entrusted them with a terrible secret.
The secret of La Salete is about to happen and when it does, part of humanity will perish, fire will rain from heaven and most of humanity will be destroyed because they do not obey the messages of the Mother of God. Because instead of comforting her, they make her cry and because they live by turning their backs on God's warnings. The warnings are being given in abundance to the whole world by the apparitions of the Mother of God, but they do not want to know anything, they turn their backs and do nothing, that is why the punishment will come, the demons will come out of hell at the moment of the punishment and they will grab many and carry them, they will take them with them, because many lead a life contrary to GOD, because they do not obey the messages, because they do not pray, and they have already let the demon lodge in their hearts.
My children, these Apparitions in Jacareí are the continuation and finalization of La Salete, Fatima and Lourdes. They are the last warnings! After these apparitions are over, we will never return to this world! There will not be a single apparition if you want, you will not hear a word descending from Heaven, so read, meditate, obey our messages now while they are still being communicated, convert before it is too late".
(Marcos Thaddeus): "Yes sir, I will do it and I will spread it soon with your grace.